The Blueridge Junction Boys

01 Dec

Audio Review: Fight For It by A.D. Ellis, Narrated by Christopher Solon


Micah is a small-town mechanic with a big-time dream. He’s found his soulmate in high school teacher Coleman Pierce, but while Micah’s out and proud of it, Coleman’s closet door is closed, locked, and welded shut.

23 Mar

Release day review: Bound to Fight by A.D. Ellis

GLBTQ Romance

“You’re mine. Down here, I own you. You got that?” Kennedy finally stepped in, pulled me to his chest, and cupped my cock. “This is mine, your orgasms are mine, and your ass is mine. Your safe word is Indy. You got that?”

01 Nov

Release Day Review: Can’t Fight It by A.D. Ellis

GLBTQ Romance

“Never have I ever had sex on a train.” Cole watched the group expectantly and laughed out loud when Micah, Levi, and Cody all took a drink.
“What?” Levi shrugged. “We grew up in a railroad town. I think almost every native to Blueridge Junction has had sex on a train. I’d say at least a quarter of the town was probably conceived on a train.”