Geneva Lee

22 Mar

Blog Tour / Review / Giveaway: The Sins That Bind Us by Geneva Lee

Author Spotlights

I wasn’t given a choice. Not when I did my first line of cocaine. Not when I became a single mother. But I changed, and every decision I’ve made was to protect myself and my son from my weaknesses—and my past… Until Jude came along and made me question everything, even my own secrets.

15 Mar

Release Blitz: The Sins That Bind Us by Geneva Lee

Promo Blitz

I wasn’t given a choice. Not when I did my first line of cocaine. Not when I became a single mother. But I changed, and every decision I’ve made was to protect myself and my son from my weaknesses—and my past… Until Jude came along and made me question everything, even my own secrets.

25 Feb

Excerpt Reveal: The Sins That Bind Us by Geneva Lee


I wasn’t given a choice. Not when I did my first line of cocaine. Not when I became a single mother. But I changed, and every decision I’ve made was to protect myself and my son from my weaknesses—and my past… Until Jude came along and made me question everything, even my own secrets.

09 Feb

Cover Reveal: The Sins that Bind by Geneva Lee

Cover Reveals

I wasn’t given a choice. Not when I did my first line of cocaine. Not when I became a single mother. But I changed, and every decision I’ve made was to protect myself and my son from my weaknesses—and my past… Until Jude came along and made me question everything, even my own secrets.