
03 Feb

Release Blitz, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Right As Rain by Lucy Lennox


5 STARS!! As the first openly gay professional football player, I can’t afford to make any mistakes, on or off the field.
I’ve learned my lesson about falling for one of my dad’s players. They’re a bunch of spoiled jocks with more muscles than brains.

04 Jan

Cover and Blurb Reveal, Excerpt and Giveaway: Right As Rain by Lucy Lennox


Coming Soon! As the first openly gay professional football player, I can’t afford to make any mistakes, on or off the field.
I’ve learned my lesson about falling for one of my dad’s players. They’re a bunch of spoiled jocks with more muscles than brains.

17 Aug

Release Blitz and Giveaway: Love or the NFL by Terry O’Reilly


Bill knows he’ll need to use all his considerable skills learned on the field to score the life he wants off of it, too. Either way, is happiness even possible when it’s the NFL vs. love?