C L F Fantasy

This broad genre is probably easier to define by example or by what it is NOT. The stories are contemporary or are nondescript as to when they occur. They are imaginative tales require young readers to accept elements and story lines that clearly cannot be true – readers must suspend disbelief. The stories may be based on animals that talk, elements of science fiction, supernatural or horror, or combinations of these elements. When written for young readers, these books are called chapter books – a format that breaks a story into sequential chapters that move towards a final resolution.

13 Nov

Review: InVision by Sherrilyn Kenyon

C L F Fantasy

Think you have a lot of pressure on your shoulders? Nick Gautier was born to bring about the end of the world . . . it’s not easy being the heir of a demon overlord.

05 Jun

Review: The Underground Princess by J. W. Zulauf

C L Chapter Books

What’s a fairy tale with a princess without a HEA? I loved this story for its combination of fairy tale and paranormal but then I really thought about it. What classical fairy tales have I read that didn’t have an element of the paranormal?

30 May

Review: Fright Train by Majanka Verstraete

C L Chapter Books

A lower grade spooky adventure that is perfect for kids 6-10 years old. Fright train is one trip that will leave you shivering along with Charlie on his way to see Grandma in Weirdville.