Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Vine by Fearne Hill

14 October of 2024 by

Vine by Fearne Hill

Vine By Fearne Hill


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Opposites attract, virgin MC, strict top/bottom rules, slow burn, positive neurodivergent rep, mental health rep, hard fought HEA, small town

Released: October 10, 2024

Publisher: Self-Published

Length: 266 Pages

Cover Design: Black Jazz Design


Caspian Pumkin-Watts is at the end of his rope. Miserably divorced and facing a career crossroads, when he’s offered a chance to spend nine months filming a reality TV show on a French holiday island, he grabs it with both hands.

There are only two problems. His co-star is his ex-husband, and the producer is Caspian’s replacement in his ex-husband’s bed.

Max La Forge of La Forge Oyster Farms knows he’s peculiar. He has a penchant for blue rubber, for instance, and only drinks from a blue mug. He loves driftwood and seashells and hates being touched without his permission. Living alone in his little hexagonal house suits him perfectly, until his dog discovers a young Englishman unconscious on his driveway. Inexplicably drawn to the lonely, complicated stranger, Max garners courage to set out on his first ever romantic exploration.

*** Please note the following trigger warnings: Anxiety disorder and deliberate self-harm (on page).

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Difficult to read in places but so worth it.

I can always count on Fearne Hill to write a story that moves me and engages all of my emotions; Vine is no exception. We met Max in the previous book in this series but Vine does very well as a standalone story.

I love how this author puts forth positive representation of issues that may not be popular in romance and gives the characters their well-deserved HEA. Depression is finally becoming more openly discussed and that’s a good thing. Vine also deals with something I’ve not read about in detail before: deliberate self-harm as a coping mechanism. It’s shown openly on-page so proceed with caution if this might be a trigger for you. AFAIK I have no triggers but reading about Caspian’s cutting was heartbreaking.

Max is not your typical romance MC but Fearne Hill made me love him right from the start. His quirks might have put off someone else but Caspian doesn’t’ see him as being strange and Max actually has a calming effect on him.

I could go on and on but I just want to end with this: if you are looking for a romance that’s a bit different and has positive representation of things not usually discussed in a romance, I highly recommend this book.

Please heed the trigger/content warning shown in the blurb above.


O Factor: Spicy


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About Author

Fearne Hill

Fearne Hill can be found deep in the British countryside surrounded by trees, flowers, birds, and pets. She likes it that way.

Her novel, Two Tribes, is a Lambda Literary finalist 2023. The first book in her Rossingley series, To Hold A Hidden Pearl, received nominations in five categories in the 2020-2021 M/M Romance Group Book Awards. It was also an Honourable Mention in the 2020-2021 Rainbow Romance Awards.

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