Release Day Review and Excerpt: Into the Fall by RJ Scott

27 September of 2024 by

Into the Fall by RJ Scott

Into the Fall By RJ Scott


Genre: Romantic Suspense, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Enemies-to-lovers, slow-burn, small town, secrets

Released: September 27, 2024

Publisher: Love Lane Books

Series: Whisper Ridge Wyoming, Book 4

Length: 66,000 words

Cover Design: Meredith Russell


In small-town Wyoming, a tough sheriff and a former Navy SEAL are thrown together by circumstance. Their fiery chemistry leads to constant clashes, but as they work to solve a mystery, they can’t ignore the growing feelings between them.

Sheriff Neil Windham has one mission: to protect Whisper Ridge. But when human remains surface at the Lennox Ranch, the town’s past comes back to haunt it. As Neil dives deeper into the investigation, he’s torn between his duty, his father’s declining health, and the fire ignited by the relentless, unpredictable former Navy SEAL, Connor Mason.

Connor didn’t come to Whisper Ridge looking for trouble—or a future. He never intended to fall in love, least of all with someone like Neil. But with every heated encounter, Neil and Connor’s attraction escalates into something undeniable, a force of nature they can’t resist. Now, with an offer to rejoin his old team, Connor must choose between a future in Whisper Ridge or leaving behind the only man who’s ever made him feel like he belongs.

Into the Fall is an opposites-attract, enemies-to-lovers M/M romance featuring a battle-hardened former SEAL and a dedicated sheriff. Duty and desire collide, old ranch secrets come to light, and a hard-earned happily-ever-after awaits.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Another wonderful story from RJ Scott!

If you read the previous book in this series, Spring Rains, you probably remember that Sheriff Neil Windham and former Navy SEAL Connor Mason, had a bit of a frenemy situation going on. Into the Fall finally lets them escalate that into so much more and I loved every minute of it. While you might be able to read this as a standalone story, I think you will get more out of it if you’ve read the other books in this series. Some things that were hinted at in the previous book are resolved in this one.

Above and beyond what the blurb says, I have to say that this book had me nearly sobbing in one place but then soon after had me smiling. The tears were because of something very touching that happened to Neil and his family so please don’t think that the entire book is sad because it isn’t. In fact, this was a real page turner for me because of the mystery other things happening with the ensemble cast.

If you’re looking for something super spicy, I don’t think you’ll find it in this story but if you’re looking for an entertaining read, that will keep you engaged the entire time you’re reading it, I enthusiastically recommend this book and the entire series.

One final note, as I was reading, I felt like there were lots of little hints about new books and sure enough, at the end it was confirmed. There will be a new series in 2026 that’s kind of a spin off of this one and I can’t wait to read all the books. ❤


O Factor: Spicy


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Unedited Excerpt

I braced myself as a gust of wind tried to take my feet from under me. I can’t believe I got talked into heading out into the most dramatic storm I’d witnessed since the team’s last Red Sea deployment. Not when I had a perfectly good book waiting in my apartment.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, and lightning split the sky, illuminating the town in brief, eerie flashes as the rain relentlessly hammered the streets of Whisper Ridge, turning them into slick, glistening rivers.

I shouldn’t even be going out tonight.

I should’ve used the weather as a reason to stay in my lovely, cozy apartment, not headed up a damn mountain in this deluge for Quinn’s birthday party.

I locked the diner door, pulled my long coat jacket tight, and headed towards my SUV. The relentless downpour muffled all other sounds as my boots vigorously splashed through the puddles.

“Connor Mason!” The undeniably furious yell cut through the relentless rain as Sheriff Neil Windham–six feet of sexy, blustering, temper-driven man–blocked my way. His face was a thundercloud that matched the sky, and my adrenaline spiked when he bunched his fists, and I thought for a moment he was going to slam me to the ground.

I’d been waiting all day for him to challenge me, but the party and the storm had finally derailed my concentration, and here I was on the back foot, in the rain, and there he was, a man filled with rage. This was a definite step up from his typical sarcastic irritation with me, straight through to DEFCON 1—the kind of anger that made me brace for impact and instinctively reach for a weapon I wasn’t even carrying.

I’d been expecting this visit all day. Still, I was hoping the confrontation would happen in the dry.

In my apartment.

In my bedroom.

Preferably naked and post-sex.

My pulse quickened, not just from anticipating a confrontation but from something deeper, something hidden where all my secrets lay. I couldn’t explain my visceral reaction to the intense man, but I craved his sharp tongue pulling me up on any and all chaos I had caused. My therapist would have a field day analyzing my brain—if I ever went back to therapy, that is. They’d tell me I craved all of his attention, even if it was negative, and probably go deep into why I loved pushing his buttons. Facing Neil head-on was a challenge that sparked something deep inside me. I live for these moments when Neil is angry and when his presence in my space makes me feel something.

Not that I ever told him that. I push and push, and when he snaps, I soak in his passionate temper and love every freaking moment of it because he makes me feel.


I squared my shoulders, ready to meet whatever he was bringing in the madness of the storm.

Rain splashing from his sheriff-issued slicker into my face, his voice slicing through the downpour.

“Tell me you didn’t threaten Abraham Wild!” The fury in his tone was catnip.

Rain dripped from the brim of my cap, and I pulled up the hood of my coat—not that it helped, given that it wasn’t completely waterproof. “I didn’t threaten Abraham Wild.”

I did.

“Witnesses tell me you took his gun from him and shoved him to the ground.”

“He had a rifle, yeah, I disarmed him, but he was drunk and about to fall over anyway.”

“You took his gun and assaulted him.”

“He tripped,” I replied, raising my voice to be heard over another rumble of thunder.

“I don’t have time for your shit!” Neil’s eyes blazed with anger, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “You told him that if he didn’t stop waving his gun, you’d shove the gun up his ass.”

“Are you mad I said that, that he tripped, or that there were witnesses?”

His jaw ticked, and I could see him reining in his temper. “He’s accusing you of being armed.”

I tapped my lip in exaggerated thought. “Well, I was armed after I took his rifle.”

“Give me strength.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and swiped away a face full of water.


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About Author

RJ Scott

RJ Scott, author of M/M romance. Writing love stories with a happy ever after – cowboys, heroes, family, hockey, single dads, bodyguards

USA Today bestselling author RJ Scott has written over one hundred romance books. Emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, single dads, hockey players, millionaires, princes, bodyguards, Navy SEALs, soldiers, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, cops, and the men who get mixed up in their lives, always with a happy ever after.

She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing. The last time she had a week’s break from writing, she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a box of chocolates she couldn’t defeat.

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