Audio Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Blood and Bone by Patricia Logan, Performed by Declan Winters and Kevin Earlywine

20 June of 2024 by

Blood and Bone by Patricia Logan

Blood and Bone By Patricia Logan,
Performed By Declan Winters and Kevin Earlywine


Genre: Paranormal Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Co-workers-to-lovers

Released: Audio: June 17, 2024; eBook: May 6, 2024

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: U.S. Marshals I.S.R. (Interspecies Response), Book 2

Length: 7hrs, 59mins / 88,000 words approx.

Cover Design: AJ Corza


Aristotle Brown is starting to like his new job with the U.S. Marshals Interspecies Response unit. If anyone would have told him vampires, shifters, werewolves, and space aliens existed a few months ago, he would have called them crazy. But meeting his new partner has proven to be the best part of the I.S.R. He’s settling into the new job and the new man nicely. When he moved out to Los Angeles from Lexington, Kentucky a few months ago, he thought he might try finding a guy, but he never expected to feel that way about his new partner.

Eoghan Sapphire thinks Ari is beautiful and brilliant, and that’s probably a good thing since they spend a lot of time together. Very quickly, he realizes that the feelings he’s having for the man, aren’t purely professional. He wishes things would slow down for just a minute but when work gets in the way, he realizes they can’t stop moving for even a minute. On the way to northern California to help the local sheriff locate a fugitive shifter Eoghan once put behind bars, he and Ari drop in on a friend before coming face to face with a couple of unexpected predators. If their life wasn’t crazy enough, a couple of cephalopods give chase.

Better still, a case involving a vampire with a very unusual oral fixation, has both of them grateful for the blood-sucker’s restraint. Just when both men think things might settle down and there’ll be an end to the madness, they’re tasked to meet a couple of the scariest shifters they’ve ever heard of. And just to put a cherry on top of the assignment, it turns out these guys aren’t exactly the forgiving kind. As Eoghan and Ari enter a world neither could have prepared for, they come face to face with something thought to live only…in legend.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

The world building for this series is fantastic!

I loved this book even more than the first one! There are more shenanigans with the vamps and other aliens that were introduced in book one (you need to read this series in order) but some new and exciting characters were very helpful to Ari and Eoghan. More is revealed about the overarching mystery that isn’t yet resolved.

Ari and Eoghan’s relationship continues to evolve and Ari continues to appreciate Eoghan’s undergarments. 😊 I’m afraid if I say much more it would be too spoiler-y. If you enjoy Men In Black type adventures with aliens, with an added romance, I think you will enjoy this book and series.

I can’t forget to mention the great audio performance by Declan Winters and Kevin Earlywine. The author has taken a unique approach with the audiobooks in this series. The primary narrator will be different for each book (it’s Declan this time). Then for the last chapter the other narrator (Kevin) steps in and performs the last chapter and the teaser for the next book for which he will be the primary narrator. It’s a different approach but I think it works well.

Story: ♥♥♥♥♥

Narration: ♥♥♥♥

O Factor: Scorcher


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Ari was completely unprepared to witness the change of the two shifters. If he’d thought his life was strange before, standing in the dining room of a modest home in the middle of suburbia watching two men become drooling predators in a matter of seconds, really took the cake. And seeing two huge grizzly bears where the sheriffs had been only moments before, totally freaked him out. His hand went reflexively to his sidearm, pulling the Glock before he knew what he was doing.

Only Eoghan’s near-painful grip on his wrist, stopped him from killing their fellow law enforcement officers as the men lunged at what appeared to be a large opossum where Colt Wilkins had been standing seconds before. The opossum made a squealing sound as it propelled itself backward, slamming against the wall and wedging itself into the corner, doing its best to make itself invisible.

“Stand down, Ari!” Eoghan shouted as he moved in between him and the grizzlies. He tugged on his wrist until his senses came back to him, and he lowered the weapon. Even as the weight of his gun dropped, Eoghan was turning and shouting at Two Trees and his deputy, telling them something similar to the order he’d given Ari. The buzzing in his ears was making him feel disoriented as they stared at the scene in front of him. Both bears had lowered their heads and were roaring at the opossum which stared at them with wide, glowing, violet eyes. Ari had fleeting thoughts about how it would look if he shit himself right there in Riversong’s living room every time one of the bears roared.

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To celebrate the release of Blood and Bone<.em>, we are giving away 2 e-copies and 2 Audible codes (US or UK) of the release!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About Author

Patricia Logan

International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon, and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she types. Married to a wonderful man for 35 years, she counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.

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