Review: Resilience by Auryn Hadley
Sci-fi/FantasyAs always, women readers will thrill to the reverse harem idea that pushes the boundaries of epic fantasy in this breathtaking series that may remind some of Avatar without the scary beasts

Review: Tenacity by Auryn Hadley
FantasyTenacity: the quality of holding fast; persistence…
The iliri aren’t just pets to be kicked around as humans want. They’ve become a force to be reckoned with… and the iliri are learning they no longer have to hide.

Review: Inseparable by Auryn Hadley
RomanceThe vote is cast. Parliament agrees. The Black Blades are no more… to bad someone forgot to tell them that the Black Blades are inseparable!

Release Blitz / Review: Instinctual by Auryn Hadley
Promo BlitzTheir secret is out. The world knows the Black Blades aren’t human. They’re so good because of their alien ancestry, because of what humans made them to be! The only problem? It’s starting to look like their own side agrees with the enemy. To keep their unit from being disbanded and sent back into slavery, they have to stop the Emperor’s bribe. Eight of them aren’t enough. Their only hope is to rely upon the humans they’ve learned not to trust, but things are never black and white.

Release Blitz / Review: BloodLust by Auryn Hadley
Promo BlitzOn a world where metal is nearly non-existent, a war for steel has waged for more than a decade. The front lines are populated by pallid iliri and iliri-human crossbreds. Seen as little more than beasts, their lives are cheap and easily replaced, destroying their culture as the body count rises. Being purebred, Salryc Luxx will die, she just wants to make sure it counts. That’s why she applied for elite forces, The Black Blades. But there’s a chance she can save not only her pack but her entire species.