Release Blitz / Review: Dawning by Brianna West
Paranormal RomanceDawning follows Izzy as she is once again the woman of the hour, the woman who can bring the realms together, the woman with that special something-something that everyone, including her vindictive, crazy mother-in-law, are working tirelessly to capture. Being special never felt like so much work. Saving the world was never something Izzy planned to do, but she’ll have to if she doesn’t want the mortal world to end.

Cover Reveal / Giveaway: Dawning by Brianna West
Cover RevealsIzzy and Lucas have been through quite the ordeal over the last year: chased …

Review: Metamorphosis by Brianna West
Paranormal RomanceA continuation of the Promiscus Guardians series, Metamorphosis delivers more fantastical creatures, a sordid amount of humor coupled with fast, incredibly riveting action. Mysteries are unraveled while more about the world Izzy lives in is unveiled in this highly anticipated addition.

Review: Awakening by Brianna West
Paranormal RomanceRecruited by the Promiscus Guardians and partnering with Lucas, the most brooding and devilishly handsome man she’s ever met, Izzy is suddenly knee-deep up crap creek. Discover the secret behind her power and why it’s such a commodity in her Awakening. ~ An awesome debut novel.