Audio Tour, Excerpt, Review and Giveaway: Vow Maker by Lily Morton
Giveaway5 STARS!! Dylan Mitchell wants to get married. However, after seven years of being engaged, that’s looking slightly doubtful. After going through ten wedding planners, they’re gaining a reputation somewhat akin to Henry the Eighth on the wedding circuit.

Blog Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Vow Maker by Lily Morton
Giveaway5 STARS!! Dylan Mitchell wants to get married. However, after seven years of being engaged, that’s looking slightly doubtful. After going through ten wedding planners, they’re gaining a reputation somewhat akin to Henry the Eighth on the wedding circuit.

Release Blitz, Excerpt and Giveaway: Vow Maker by Lily Morton
GiveawayOUT NOW!! Dylan Mitchell wants to get married. However, after seven years of being engaged, that’s looking slightly doubtful. After going through ten wedding planners, they’re gaining a reputation somewhat akin to Henry the Eighth on the wedding circuit.