Cover Reveal: From Titans by Mary Ting
Cover RevealsEveryone is searching for Mason. Zeus sent Hermes, and the Oracles have used their magic, with no success. A sparkle of hope arises when Eris, the goddess of Chaos, sends an invitation to her wedding engagement party. She’s holding Mason hostage, and Skylar and her friends only need permission to enter Eris’s world to rescue him…

Release Blitz / Giveaway: The Chosen Knights by Mary Ting
GiveawayWhen teens go missing in Hawaii, a group of demon-hunters—half human and half angel—disguised as high school students, must leave Crossroads, the place where they reside. In a race against time, they uncover the mystery connecting the missing teens, which dates back to the era of the Knights Templar.

Release Blitz: The Angel Knights by Mary Ting
GiveawayMichael and Claudia’s children, Zachary and Lucia, were destined to be demon hunters—Venators. As danger grows, the fear of fallen angels and demons regrouping has the Divine Elders on pins and needles. Now, Zachary and Lucia, along with Uncle Davin, must prepare themselves—mentally and physically—to live on Earth to investigate where the focal point of evil resides before it’s too late.

Cover Reveals: The Angel Knights & The Chosen Knights by Mary Ting
Cover RevealsMichael and Claudia’s decision to move back to Crossroads was to keep their children safe, but they can’t escape who they are. Their children, Zachary and Lucia, were destined to be demon hunters—Venators. From the age they were able to hold a sword, they were trained to become the best and to ensure they would become leaders one day.

Blog Tour: Crossroads by Mary Ting
Paranormal RomanceAward winning author, Mary Ting’s Crossroads Saga gets a facelift. Take a trip into the realm of angels and demons.

Cover Reveal: Crossroads Saga by Mary Ting
Cover RevealsAward winning author, Mary Ting’s Crossroads Saga gets a facelift. Take a trip into the realm of angels and demons.