Blog Tour / Review: Boy (The Training House, Book 2) by Eden Bradley
Author SpotlightsFrom New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Eden Bradley~the continuation of her tale of ultimate surrender found in Book One of The Training House Series, GIRL
Being broken has never been such beautiful torture…

Deb’s Favorite Reads of 2015
BDSM RomanceIt seems to be an end of year tradition for bloggers to compile a favorites list. I love these lists. There are some awesome bloggers out there, and while I try to keep on top of what they are posting throughout the year, I still miss a lot. So, it’s fun to compare lists and see what amazing books I might have missed. And I inevitably end up with even more books in my TBR pile.

Review: Girl: The Training House (Book 1) by Eden Bradley
BDSMGirl is a dark and beautiful journey into the life and mind of Aimée, a young woman whose need to relinquish herself completely, in all ways, to one Master is as essential as breathing.