Deb’s Favorite Reads of 2015
BDSM RomanceIt seems to be an end of year tradition for bloggers to compile a favorites list. I love these lists. There are some awesome bloggers out there, and while I try to keep on top of what they are posting throughout the year, I still miss a lot. So, it’s fun to compare lists and see what amazing books I might have missed. And I inevitably end up with even more books in my TBR pile.

Deb’s Review: Call On Me by Roni Loren
Contemporary RomanceOakley wants to be a good mom to her daughter & to ditch her night job. Pike isn’t about to let Ms. Prim and Proper shut him down, especially when he stumbles upon her sexy night job… Roni Loren carefully peels away the layers of her characters, revealing more and more, drawing us in.