Release Blitz / Review: BloodLust by Auryn Hadley
Promo BlitzOn a world where metal is nearly non-existent, a war for steel has waged for more than a decade. The front lines are populated by pallid iliri and iliri-human crossbreds. Seen as little more than beasts, their lives are cheap and easily replaced, destroying their culture as the body count rises. Being purebred, Salryc Luxx will die, she just wants to make sure it counts. That’s why she applied for elite forces, The Black Blades. But there’s a chance she can save not only her pack but her entire species.

Cover Reveal: BloodLust by Auryn Hadley
Cover RevealsOn a world where metal is nearly non-existent, a war for steel has waged for more than a decade. The Black Blades are caught in the middle. The enemy wants to slaughter them. Their own country wants to enslave them. Their leader wants them to act human – but that’s impossible. They’re iliri. If military command finds out, the Black Blades will be disbanded, ripping apart the only family Sal has ever known. And now, the enemy is on their tail.