Release Day Review: Good Girl Fail by Roni Loren
Erotic Romance5 AMAZING STARS!! good girls can have fun too…especially when she’s their good girl.

Blog Tour / Review: By the Hour by Roni Loren
Erotic RomanceFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Off the Clock comes a story of love, hate, and the fire that ignites when the two collide…

Blog Tour / Round Robin Review: Loving You Easy by Roni Loren
Author SpotlightsThree lovers really click in the latest from the New York Times bestselling author Roni Loren… Get ready for the steam!

Blog Tour / Giveaway / Review: Wanderlust by Roni Loren
Author SpotlightsFrom the New York Times bestselling author of the Loving on the Edge series and Off the Clock, a story of sex, love, rock & roll, and a reporter who’s about to learn a new meaning for staying on top of her assignment…

Deb’s Favorite Reads of 2015
BDSM RomanceIt seems to be an end of year tradition for bloggers to compile a favorites list. I love these lists. There are some awesome bloggers out there, and while I try to keep on top of what they are posting throughout the year, I still miss a lot. So, it’s fun to compare lists and see what amazing books I might have missed. And I inevitably end up with even more books in my TBR pile.

Blog Tour / Review / Giveaway: Off the Clock by Roni Loren
Author SpotlightsMarin Rush loves studying sex. Doing it? That’s another story. In the research lab, Marin’s lack of practical knowledge didn’t matter, but now that she’s landed a job at The Grove, a high-end, experimental sex therapy institute, she can’t ignore the fact that the person most in need of sexual healing may be her. ~ A very sexy read. It’ll have you wanting to role-play and indulge in all kinds of sensual games.

Review: Break Me Down by Roni Loren
BDSM RomanceSometimes breaking down the barriers seems almost insurmountable. Thankfully love packs a heavy anvil.

Author Spotlight: An Interview with Roni Loren
Author SpotlightsThis is one lady that definitely knows her Erotic BDSM Romance. Not only does she pen a wonderfully crafted novel, her characters are true to the lifestyle.

Excerpt: Break Me Down by Roni Loren
ExcerptsFor a taste of what’s to come read an excerpt from Break Me Down.

Contest: Break Me Down Blog Tour Giveaway
GiveawayEnter now for a chance at a $25 Gift Card (Amazon or B&N)

Deb’s Review: Call On Me by Roni Loren
Contemporary RomanceOakley wants to be a good mom to her daughter & to ditch her night job. Pike isn’t about to let Ms. Prim and Proper shut him down, especially when he stumbles upon her sexy night job… Roni Loren carefully peels away the layers of her characters, revealing more and more, drawing us in.