Blog Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Silent Partner by Morgan Brice

27 July of 2024 by

Silent Partner by Morgan Brice

Silent Partner By Morgan Brice


Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Shifter, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Fated mates, small town, found family, moose

Released: June 29, 2024

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Series: Fox Hollow Zodiac, Book 3

Length: 60,000 words / 221 pages

Cover Design: Adrijus Garcia


Brandon Davis is a psychic and a moose shifter. He makes his living as a wilderness guide in Fox Hollow, NY—a town that is a haven for misfit shifters and psychics. Brandon has a profitable business, a found family of close friends, and a cozy cabin in the woods. Life is good, but he wishes he could find a special someone to share it with. Then he picks up the unmistakable scent of his fated mate–a handsome man who isn’t a shifter of any kind and whose thoughts he can’t read. The chemistry is undeniable, but can he fall for a silent partner?

Riley Henderson escaped a bad relationship with an ex-boyfriend he suspects is a psi-vamp. He left town and got a scholarship to the Fox Institute to explore his rare ability—his thoughts are mostly closed to being read by psychics. Getting away from his ex was worth being studied for his unusual silence as a “nil” or an “immune.” Especially since the situation comes with a stipend, an apartment, and a regular gig as a musician at one of the local hotels. Riley intends to go boy-sober until he meets a tall, dark-haired stranger with whom he has a sudden, intense connection. When he realizes Brandon is both a psychic and a shifter, Riley needs to figure out how they can overcome those differences to be together. And in the back of his mind, Riley worries—what if his ex shows up to ruin everything?

Silent Partner is a MM shifter romance filled with found family, a snarky moose, a soulful musician, sexy shifters, small town winter fun, fated mates, helpful psychics, lots of snow and a very happy ending.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A captivating story!

I say this in nearly every review I do of a Morgan Brice book: I love how she writes books in her series so that they really can be read as standalone stories. She always provides enough information so that you aren’t lost if you pick up a book that’s in the middle of a series; Silent Partner is no exception.

The blurb is quite detailed so I won’t restate it. I will say that I was on the edge of my seat for several parts of this story. I knew that eventually Riley’s stalker ex would find him but I didn’t know how that would manifest itself in the book. On a lighter side, I loved all of the internal dialogue that Brandon had with his moose. The moose would get snarky and insistent at times. It’s a bit of a slow-burn story (not a complaint!) but when things heat up between Brandon and Riley they really heat up! 🔥

It was fun visiting with characters from previous books but you absolutely can read this as a standalone with no problem. It’s been about a year and 400 or so books since I read the last Fox Hollow: Zodiac novel but it didn’t matter that I couldn’t remember specific details about the previous stories.

As a funny aside…this story is set in winter in the New York Adirondacks and I was reading it during a scorching heatwave in the summer. That was nice and refreshing. 😊


O Factor: Scorcher


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Mixed shifter pairings were common in Fox Hollow, although less so in other places. His friends’ marriages proved that. Big vegetarian shifters like deer and elk were rare. He hadn’t met another moose shifter since relocating. Brandon believed he could make things work with a carnivore and perhaps even with one of the other omnivore or vegetarian shifters that weren’t as large as he was. Brandon was happy for his friends who had found love. And although he was busy with guide tours and being an EMT, he still wished he could find someone special of his own.

Now that he felt suitable to be in public, Brandon drove back to the grocery store. For its size, the shop provided a remarkable variety of products, including some specialties crafted by his neighbors. That saved everyone from trekking to Lake George to go to one of the big-box stores. Online delivery only worked in the summer months.

He parked and headed inside. The familiar mix of smells from the bakery and deli, as well as all the luscious produce, made Brandon sigh happily. He waved to Brenda at the register, grabbed a cart, and started to make the familiar trek around the store.

Brandon loaded up on salad, especially cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. He skipped the carrots since they gave him indigestion. That was true for some fruit as well, although he loved frozen berries and added them to the cart. His human side craved coffee, oatmeal, and eggs, so Brandon made sure to replenish. He couldn’t resist some chips and cookies and reminded himself to grab a bale of hay from the garden supplies on the store terrace.

Halfway through the store, Brandon stopped dead in his tracks and sniffed the air. A scent he had never picked up before enveloped him, making him light-headed. Anise and maple. How strange. Maybe they’re baking something?


Brandon startled, not expecting to hear from his inner moose in such a human-centric place. What?

That’s what our mate smells like. Find him!

Brandon seriously doubted he’d spot a moose in the frozen food aisle or even a moose shifter. Still, the scent captivated him and stirred a hunger deep in his groin that had nothing to do with food.

He steered into the next aisle, forcing himself to keep a normal walking pace. I can’t just run past people and sniff them. That would be weird—even for Fox Hollow.

Shopping forgotten, Brandon searched for the elusive, overwhelming scent. He turned down the baking aisle, and the aroma called to him, far stronger. Only two people were nearby—Mrs. Prendicott—an elderly psychic—and a handsome stranger.

The stranger looked vaguely puzzled like he couldn’t find what he wanted on the tightly-packed shelves. The store overstocked during the bad weather months, especially if there was news of a storm in the offing. That sometimes made it difficult to locate items.

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Huntsman (Fox Hollow Zodiac, book 1.)

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About Author

Morgan Brice

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic and urban fantasy, with less romance, more explosions.

All of the modern-day Morgan Brice and Gail Z. Martin series crossover, so characters from one series appear in cameos and on page in important secondary roles in books from other series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the more you read the more the expanded universe of friendships and connections becomes clear.

Morgan and Gail believe that paranormal elements make any story even better, and her worlds are full of ghosts, psychics, shifters, creatures, vampires, monster hunters, and magic.

She’s also a huge fan of the TV show Supernatural. (Chibi art by Kamidiox)

Read a copy of my Badlands short story Restless Nights here for free.

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