Review Tour: Creek by Nora Phoenix and E.M. Lindsey

01 July of 2024 by

Creek by Nora Phoenix

Creek By Nora Phoenix

and E.M. Lindsey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Ex-military, wounded soldier, hurt/comfort, bi-awakening, found family, grumpy/sunshine

Released: June 28, 2024

Publisher: Self Published

Series: Honorably Discharged, Book 1

Length: 313 Pages

Cover Design: Ozark Witch Cover Design

Photographer: Golden Czermak/FuriousFotog

Model: Andrew James


Accepting my career in the Army is over after losing my leg is hard.
But the obnoxious, good looking, glass-half-full surfer in my physical therapy sessions is worse.

And god help him if he doesn’t stop trying to give me advice.

Living in a home with three of my closest veteran buddies is a challenge as we all have our crosses to bear and wounds to heal from, but mine only seem to be getting deeper with every step forward I take. I already have to adjust to a new life as a civilian. I don’t need a sexuality crisis to go with it.

But Heath is making me question everything I thought I knew about myself. And while that should terrify me, somehow, he’s helping me feel braver than I ever have before.

Creek is the first book of the Honorably Discharged series, featuring a grumpy veteran with a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas, a sunshine surfer who can bring out the best in almost everyone, a bisexual awakening, found family, hurt/comfort, and a steamy happily ever after.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Full of feels!

Creek is a wonderful sunshine/grumpy, opposites attract story. It’s the first book in a series about wounded soldiers and found family; it made me feel lots of things. I laughed and I cried and I loved everything about it.

Both Creek and Heath are recovering from a life changing injury but Heath is handling it a bit better than Creek. They are scheduled for PT with the same therapist at the same time and Heath’s sunshiny attitude really gets on Creek’s nerves. Heath always falls for the wrong guys and those are often straight guys. He’s determined that he won’t fall for Creek and then Creek does something that knocks Heath off kilter.

Creek is a great gay-for-you/bi-awakening story about two guys who eventually figure out what they mean to each other after a not so happy beginning. This is one of my favorite lines in the book; it’s Creek speaking to himself: “Funny how the very same traits that had annoyed me to no end when I first met him were now the very things that endeared him to me.”

I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.


O Factor: Scorcher

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About Author

Nora Phoenix

Nora Phoenix is a USA Today bestselling author of MM/gay romance. She writes in various subgenres of gay romance and is known for writing engrossing stories that offer an escape from reality, with unique characters, plenty of heat, a captivating story, and all the feels. A dash of kink is optional. She’s a lifelong and incurable book addict, an eternal optimist, and an unapologetic feminist.
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About Author

E.M. Lindsey

E.M. Lindsey is a non-binary, MM Romance author who lives on the East Coast of the United States.

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