Behind The Headline: A Gay Man’s Story Of His Arrest By Dariusz Alexander
Genre: Contemporary Memoir, Non-fiction, True-life account
Tropes: Police procedures, gay entrapment, criminal law
Themes: Depression, self-reflection, overcoming hard times, struggling with sexuality, finding peace, maintaining dignity through integrity, equality matters
Released: August 29, 2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 75 pages
I was a successful gay police detective; good at my job, content with helping others, motivated by a sense of justice and trust I held both with my colleagues and ordinary people.
I always strived to be compassionate, diligent, and friendly to people around me. My future was seemingly bright.
That was until one day in March. Within five seconds, I turned my life upside down. I got arrested and was put through the criminal justice and media machine.
This is an authentic story of who I was and how I survived the most difficult period of my life.
#TrueStory #EqualityMatters #EmpoweringRead #LGBTQ #InspiringReads
Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003
A heartbreaking, true-life account.
This first-person account about a humiliating and horrifying incident in the author’s life reads as truly authentic. It illustrates how one minor lapse can dramatically change your life. It really affected me deeply. Don’t expect a polished book. There are many grammatical errors but the story made me want to learn what happens next in his life. It’s not long but IMHO it’s very much worth reading.
O Factor: PG
Available to borrow with Kindle Unlimited.
I remember the coldness and tightness of the handcuffs being strapped on my hands behind my back.
“Breathe” the officer said… I could feel my entire body going numb, blood drained from my face and through the dried lips I muttered “You are ruining my life” …
I wanted to die there and then.
I could hear the beeping of the activated Body Warn Video Cameras of the two police officers. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and my vision narrowed. Raindrops were falling on my head and as I looked around – the light seemed strangely brighter. I was now removed from what was happening, but also strangely present.
My past was flashing in front of my eyes. What looked like millions of neurons were firing inside my brain as I helplessly tried to understand what was happening.
Nothing would prepare me for what was about to unfold. That morning I woke up a regular self, I shaved and showered, had my coffee and a toast…
In just a matter of seconds my life turned upside down and I felt like I was just struck with a hammer to the back of my head. As I learned later that figurative “hammer” would strike again over and over in the coming weeks and months.
I was just arrested at Hampstead Heath Park by a plain clothes police officer.
I was born in a small city in central Poland. In November of 2004 I emigrated to the UK and initially settled in the North of England before moving to London in 2006.
After years of struggling with my sexuality, I was able to come out as a gay man – something I would have never been able to do in Poland. For many years, I held a variety of ordinary jobs before a traumatic event in March of 2023 forced me to re-imagine my future and take on the role of a writer. “Behind The Headline” is my debut into the literary world written from the heart and with passion of someone who was in the centre of his life being turned upside down.
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