Release Blitz, Excerpt and Giveaway: Sleigh Ride with Kellan by C. N. Marie Writing As Sophia Nixs

13 December of 2022 by

Sleigh Ride with Kellan by Sophia Nixs

Sleigh Ride with Kellan By Sophia Nixs


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Forced Proximity, Single Dad

Released: December 13, 2022

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: The North Avenue Live Guys, Book 1

Length: 76 pages / 20,000 words

Cover Design: Design Bunnies


A rugged, bearded mechanic becomes my knight in shining armor.
Traveling three hours to make my twin daughter’s Christmas come true.
I never expected him.
We are the complete opposites and he infuriates me like no one else.
Love was never on the cards for me.

A blizzard holds up my plans and I end up staying the night with him.
Everything I never thought I wanted.
I thought being stranded at Christmas was the only surprise I was in for. How wrong was I?

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“Are you all prepared for Christmas?” Dee—my roommate and number one chief helper with my two girls—asked. “You’ve seemed on edge the last few days?”

I took a peep of my twin girls coloring away together at the dining room table, designing their Christmas cookies that we were planning to make later for Santa. I indicated for Dee to join me in the kitchen so that we could have some privacy.

“Girls,” I called to Riley and Ana. “Aunty Dee and I are just going to make a drink. If you need us, just shout.” I turned to enter the kitchen. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

“They are good girls,” Dee began, “and even the social worker said that you’re doing a fantastic job in fostering them. I’m so excited that you’re taking the next step and looking at full time residency with them.” Dee paused to pour us two glasses of coke, passing one to me before she spoke again. “Is that what has been on your mind?”

“A little,” I admitted. “I’ve put the offer on the new house but I wanted Christmas to be perfect,” I said in a whispered tone just as a text came through on my phone. I quickly read the message and looked across at the girls and then back to Dee. “I could still make it perfect.”

I showed Dee my phone and a massive smile graced her lips. She nodded and I could see that a plan was already starting to come together in her head as she played with her bright red locks.

“Go, before the weather changes anymore. I’ll message Walker and get the night off at work. He owes me anyway.” She smiled sweetly at me before she looked over at the two girls. “The forecast of this snow is getting bad but I’m guessing it’s a few hours out.”

“Yeah, Pennsylvania. I can be back tomorrow night if I set off early enough. Liv—my sister—and Matt arrives tomorrow for the Christmas break. I’m sure after they’ve gone to find Hardin at North Avenue Live, she’ll come across to see the girls,” I said nonchalantly as I seriously contemplated traveling to Maple Oaks Acres just to collect a puppy to complete my girls’ Christmas. “You know Liv won’t want to be stuck with her brother-in-law, Hardin and have the two of them talking business.” Dee rolled her eyes at that. Every time that Hardin and Matt got together in a room, it’s usually for them to not talk about the bars they own or what latest venture is on the cards.

I knew that the puppy would be the perfect gift to support my commitment to them both and tell them that if they wanted a forever home with me, then they could have it. Even though I was only thirty years old and people automatically questioned my life when they saw me with my four-year-olds. My girls had shown me that if you’re willing to give a little, then the rewards you reap can be huge.

I knew what the pain of rejection from the majority of my family—barring Liv—felt like and I couldn’t bear to see others go through what we did.

“Kellan, just go,” Dee replied before she pulled me into a hug. “Go and say goodbye to the girls,” she whispered into my ear, “and we’ll have the time of our lives while you’re gone. Trust me.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I said truthfully as I kissed her cheek, making her blush before I headed over toward the girls. I ran my hand over their silken blond heads before I spoke. “Hey, you two. How would you like to have some special time with Aunty Dee while I go and do a job?”

“Yayyyy!” the duo chorused together, making my heart swell. “We’ll have the best time. Be careful though.”

“Of course, I will. You too.”


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To celebrate the release of Sleigh Ride with Kellan, Sophia is giving you a chance to win a paperback copy of the book!

Direct link to giveaway.

About Author

Sophia Nixs

Sophia Nixs is a romance author from the United Kingdom that writes steamy contemporary MM romance.

Sophia is a romantic at heart, she adores everything to do with love. In her eyes, when someone finds loves that’s all that matters.

Sophia’s dream is to live in the countryside where she can write her stories from her book nook whilst looking out at the gorgeous scenery in peace and quiet.

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