Trouble By Roe Horvat
Genre: Omegaverse, GLBTQ, MM, Erotic Romance
Tropes: Mpreg, heat sex, hurt/comfort, friends-to-lovers, porn star
Released: December 8, 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Series: Winter Sun, Book 3
Length: 257 pages
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Hugh has been in love with Kirby for years, which either makes him the most foolish or the most patient alpha on the planet. Because Kirby Matthews, the famous porn star and omega of everyone’s wet dreams, is resolutely single. But Hugh knows the real Kirby underneath the armor of glamour and snark. When an opportunity arises to be with him during heat, Hugh will do whatever it takes—even get naked in front of the cameras.
Kirby has made it big time, from homelessness to international stardom. He can now enjoy the small things like the feeling of silk on his skin, long showers, and cupcakes. Life is comfortingly simple. But then his longtime crush auditions for a role in his next film, and Kirby is torn. Getting entangled with a close friend, a member of his makeshift family, is a certifiably stupid idea. But saying no to Hugh? Beefy arms, shaved head, and growly voice—all rough alpha, but with a ridiculously soft heart… How is Kirby supposed to resist such temptation?
The most anticipated porn flick of the year, starring Kirby Matthews in heat. Ten days on set, with no privacy and no space to explore their feelings. You can’t fall in love while filming porn, right?
Trouble is an omegaverse erotic romance featuring high heat, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort. HEA, standalone.
Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003
Hot as fire and I loved it!
Trouble just might be the hottest book I’ve read by Roe Horvat but it’s also a great love story. Kirby is a super popular porn star and he’s about to film his hottest video yet … having heat sex. Hugh has been in love with Kirby for a long time but Kirby doesn’t think he deserves to be loved so he won’t let himself get close to Hugh.
Hugh is just the sweetest alpha ever. He’s also super patient. He’s taking a chance that filming with Kirby will bring them closer and maybe help Kirby realize that he deserves to be loved. This story is so hot but it is also very sweet. The filming of Hugh and Kirby having heat sex changes Kirby and makes him realize that he is worthy of love and that Hugh is the one for him.
This story may not be for everyone; it is seriously off-the-charts HOT! But it is also a sweet and tender, slow-burn story that kept me glued to my e-reader from start to finish. I can’t wait to read whatever Roe comes up with next.
O Factor: Scorcher
Available to borrow with Kindle Unlimited.
When we settled down, Walter stretched his arms above his head and glanced from me to Hugh and back. I got a flashback to my sessions with Walter two years back when he nitpicked through my so-called traumatic experiences from my time on the streets. I’d hated those sessions, but they did help. I braced myself for another round of unpleasant truths.
“So. Brian thinks we can do this in one sitting since you already know each other. Hugh, have you read the documents I’ve sent you?”
“About intense heats and aftercare, yes. But I’ll go through them again before the filming.”
“Good. Kirby, you’ve done this already, so we won’t waste time on the basic stuff and get right to the fun part.”
There was nothing even remotely fun about this. I was exposed and didn’t like it. Hugh’s invasion of my work life felt a little like I let him watch me going to the toilet. He knew about the nasty bits, but did he have to see it with his own eyes? “I’m curious about what you mean by fun,” I said, not even trying to mask the sarcasm.
“You’ll see.” Walter winked at me, then turned to Hugh. “What can you tell Kirby about your alpha based on how you acted toward your sex partners during heat?”
I had to admit it was interesting to see the big man flustered. His cheeks went bright red, and I bit back a grin. “Um. Like what?”
“For example, do you feel the urge to protect your partner? To dominate him?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Walter laughed. “Okay. This might take more than one session. Affected by the pheromones of an omega in heat, most alphas experience the need to take control of the mating situation. Some act protective and caring, some tend to get aggressive and possessive. How does your need for dominance present itself?”
Hugh’s eyes flicked from Walter to me and back. “Like during heat sex?”
“Yes, Hugh, during heat sex,” Walter said with infinite patience. I could see now what he’d meant—this was super fun.
Hugh squirmed in his seat, looking anywhere but at me and Walter. “I like to be on top. Even if an omega rides me, I get an urge to hold him and thrust up.”
“Can you come and knot without it?”
“I’ve always only knotted when I was the one setting the pace, so to speak.”
“This is the stuff Kirby needs to know. Good. When you say ‘hold him,’ is it more like a hug or do you enjoy leaving bruises, physically restraining your partner, choking, or covering his mouth?”
Hugh looked horrified. “Choking? No!”
Walter smiled benevolently. “It’s not uncommon. Some omegas like it.”
Hugh looked at me, eyes wide. “Do you?”
“I like being manhandled but not tied up or otherwise restrained. Not being able to move during a peaking heat wave can make me panic. You can grab my throat and squeeze shortly but always let me breathe normally. I prefer no pain if I can avoid it.”
“Okay.” He seemed to be relieved.
“Hugh, I’m going to conclude that you’re more of a protective alpha,” Walter said. “Correct?”
“Um. I guess? I do like it when an omega seems sort of helpless when I’m, uh, having sex with him. I want him to…like really need me. But I don’t enjoy inflicting pain of any kind.”
“You’re a large man. Would you say that you’re aware and in control of your own strength?”
Hugh sat up straight and folded his arms over his chest. “I’d like to think so.”
“Based on…?” Walter’s eyebrows flew up expectantly.
“I’ve never had an incident that would indicate something else, in or out of bed. I work at a pub. Sometimes I have to physically remove people. I’ve never hurt anyone, and I solve conflicts with aggressive drunks on a daily basis.”
“He’s good at that,” I said. I’d seen Hugh in action many times. “Remains calm. It’s basically impossible to provoke him into violence.”
Walter seemed pleased with that. “How about knotting? Do you like it?”
Hugh sputtered. “Of course.”
“You’d be surprised how many alphas find growing a knot uncomfortable. Would you say that it happens unexpectedly, or do you feel it coming?”
“I can somewhat control it, I think.” He scratched his neck, staring at his knees. “When I feel the urge, like a tingle at the base, then I can slow down or speed up, depending on circumstances.”
“That’s excellent. You told me that your knot gets very large and that it caused your ex-partner discomfort in the past. Kirby, do you see a problem with that?”
Ooh-la-la. It seemed I was in for a treat. “How large?”
“I don’t know.”
I frowned at Hugh. “You don’t know?”
He laughed, exasperated. “Not like I’ve ever measured it. It always happened inside another person.”
“Well, your dick is thick.” The scene from the audition video was etched into my memory. “So I assume your knot will be in proportion?”
Hugh’s blue eyes grew wide. “You’ve seen my dick?” he rasped and coughed, covering his mouth with his hand.
“It’s impressive, congratulations. Brian always shows me the audition videos.”
Hugh cleared his throat. “Course he does.”
“I don’t see a problem with taking a large knot, though.”
I smiled and patted his knee. “Not a problem at all.”
Walter seemed to suppress a smile. “Kirby, if you ask Hugh for a knot, do you want him to do it immediately?”
I grinned. I loved this session—it was the best one yet. “No.”
Again, Hugh looked at me with surprise. He was such an easy target. Between Walter and me, we could tease him for hours. “No? Then how—”
“I like to get a little desperate. When I start begging for a knot, I’m still enjoying the buildup. You can drag it out and edge me. You can even verbally deny me. When I turn quiet and whimper more than moan, I need it badly.”
Hugh’s mouth was slightly open as he stared at me. It was difficult to say with the lighting, but his pupils seemed just a tad dilated.
“And after the knotting? Can I keep fucking you?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah. I don’t like it if you pull out too much so the knot starts stretching my rim from the inside, but if you keep the thrusts short and deep, I’m a happy guy.”
He blinked. His ears got so red they could signal traffic.
“Can you come again when you’re knotted?” Walter asked.
“Yes,” we replied in unison, and I chuckled.
“Wonderful. Brian will be overjoyed. Kirby, give Hugh your main erogenous zones.”
“My nipples. Big time. It’s the only place where I like a bit of a sting. Sucking, pinching, biting… Anything goes, especially during heat. I like having my ass muscles kneaded and massaged. Light spanking is okay but only on my ass, hate it on my inner thighs or taint. Bellybutton. Earlobes. The back of my neck. I’m extremely ticklish, but once I’m sufficiently aroused, light touches on my sides or here drive me wild.” I tapped the crook of my neck and could practically feel Hugh’s gaze there like a laser beam.
“Perfect. Hugh?”
“Um.” He paused, swallowing audibly. “My balls?” he croaked.
I burst out laughing, and Hugh looked at me accusingly. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re precious, dude.”
“Fuck off.” The corner of his mouth twitched with a suppressed smile.
Walter was smirking too. “Something else besides your testicles?”
“I…don’t know. I’m usually the one doing all the touching.”
“Something to explore, then. Have you ever fisted a partner during heat?”
Hugh shook his head as if he was sleepy and trying to wake up. Then he dragged his hands down his face. “Can we take a break?”
“Do you need to pee?” I asked innocently.
“No. But a glass of cold water would be nice.”
His expression blank, Walter just gestured to the windowsill where a full carafe and glasses stood.
“Oh. Thanks.”
“Sorry to be such a tyrant,” Walter said, “but I have a client right after this, so I need to be efficient. Are you okay if we continue for twenty more minutes?”
“Sure. Go ahead.” Hugh downed his water glass, refilled it, and handed me one before sitting back down next to me. He was a little closer than before, and his body heat radiated all the way to me. “So fisting,” he said, deadpan. “Never done that either.” He looked at his hand, stretching his fingers, his expression worried. He did have huge hands. I got just a little wetter looking at them. I could picture it vividly, his arm sticking out of my body, skin drenched with slick, my legs shaking, underbelly bulging…
“Kirby might need it during the most intense phase. It allows you to stimulate his erection with your mouth, which has a definite soothing effect for him, not to mention alphas usually enjoy the taste of heat cum. Compared to knotting, a fist can be more powerful. You can angle your knuckles so they rub his gland, pump in and out, and penetrate the mouth to the womb with your fingers. I’ll send you a video on how to position your hand so we avoid even minor injuries. Watch it in private since it passes as pornography even though it’s instruction. Also, pay attention to your manicure.” Hugh inspected his nails. They were short and clean. “Kirby, thoughts or comments on fisting?”
“From the third day onward, I should be open enough for it. I quite like it. Breeding orgasms, especially from fisting, sometimes make me twitch. But if Hugh is up for sucking me off at the same time, I’ll melt into the mattress.”
Hugh said nothing, but his breathing got louder.
“Let’s talk breeding orgasms then, shall we? Kirby, you have the contraceptive device inserted, so that’s covered. Hugh, have you ever bred a partner?”
“No,” he replied, sounding exhausted.
I was starting to feel sorry for him.
Queer fiction author Roe Horvat was born in the former Czechoslovakia which equipped him with a dark sense of sarcasm and a penchant for good beer. Roe traveled Europe and finally settled in Sweden. He came out as transgender in 2017 and has been fabulous since. He loves Jane Austen, Douglas Adams, bad action movies, stand-up comedy, the great Swedish outdoors, and all kinds of earthly pleasures. When not hiding in the studio doing graphics, he can be found trolling cafés and pubs in Gothenburg, writing.
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