Release Blitz, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Unapologetically Me by Colette Davison

25 March of 2021 by

Unapologetically Me by Colette Davison

Unapologetically Me By Colette Davison


Genre: Paranormal, Popstar, Shifter, GLBTQ, MM

Tropes: Age-gap, hidden relationship, hidden disability

Released: March 23, 2021

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Offbeat Shifters, Book 3

Length: 68,000 words

Cover Design: Colette Davison


Austin Steele is my idol. He’s also the guy I can’t get enough of.

Everyone thinks they know who I am—one of pop’s biggest divos. They don’t know me at all. Austin Steele makes me want to see the real me, only there’s some problems:

We’re both omegas, he’s nineteen years my senior, he’s nursing old wounds, and he wants to keep what’s happening between us a secret.

I thought a one-night stand was all I wanted. Now it’s becoming so much more. But how can we look to the future when we can’t let go of our pasts?

Book 3 could be read as a standalone, but has spoilers for the other two so is definitely better read as part of the series.

Unapologetically Me is the third book in Offbeat Shifters, an m/m paranormal romance series with a continuing storyline. This book includes a misunderstood and unapologetic Arctic fox shifter, a caring capuchin monkey shifter, and a HFN ending. While it’s set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.

Teaser Graphic


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

My favorite of the series so far!

Unapologetically Me is the third book in the Offbeat Shifters series. You probably could start the series here but you’d miss a lot of the backstory for the characters so I highly recommend reading the series in order.

I really loved this book, it’s my favorite of the series so far. I think one of the reasons I liked it so much is that I love it when not-so-nice characters are redeemed and get the happy ending they need. (Note this has a HFN, the HEA will come in the next book.)

Charlie was presented as a bit of a$$-hole in the last book and now we get to find out his backstory. Austin also came off in a fairly bad light as Jesse’s father and manager. Now we get to learn more about him and what made him the way he is.

I feel like if I say too much more it will give things away and I don’t want to do that. Charlie and Austin both try to correct things in their past, with mixed success. I love getting into the heads of these guys and Colette does a great job with how she handles delicate subjects with compassion and kindness.

The big age-gap doesn’t present a problem for Charlie and Austin. They each have different strengths/weaknesses and they work together very well. I really felt the romantic connection between them as their story evolved.

I’m very much looking forward to the next book!


O Factor: Scorcher


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“I can’t remember the last time I just hung out with someone before this week.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “That’s not true. It was right before my first album went viral.”

“That’s a long time.” Austin didn’t sound even remotely surprised.

“I guess you know how that feels, huh?”


“The cupcakes will be cool enough to decorate.” I cleared my throat and stood.

We’d been having fun, and I didn’t want to drag the day down with drama about how lonely I was. Had been. Could I consign my loneliness to past tense now that I was spending time with Austin?

“I’ll help you make some icing if you want.”

“That might help,” Austin said around a chuckle.

I showed him the recipe I liked to use, loaded up a piping bag for him, and hand over hand showed him how to use it.

“You’ve gotta be gentle,” I said as I left him to it.

I carefully cut a hole out of the centre of each of my cupcakes, into which I pushed a fresh strawberry. Then I popped the top back on and began to ice them. I’d coloured my icing a soft shade of pink, much paler than the bright red of the strawberries. Using a controlled motion, I spiralled the icing onto the top of each cupcake.

“Bollocks!” Austin said.

I looked around to see that his hands were covered in icing, and the nozzle had shot off the piping bag onto one of his cupcakes. Icing dripped everywhere.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You squeezed too hard, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t coming out,” he grumbled.

He put the piping bag into a bowl, washed his hands, and grabbed a spoon. I watched for a moment as he dolloped icing onto the top of each cupcake. They looked anything but pretty. Still chuckling to myself, I finished mine off by sprinkling the tiny pieces of chopped strawberry over the icing.

“It’s obvious who’s won,” Austin said.

“No, it’s not. Don’t we have to do a taste test or something?”

“I guess so.”

“Get a couple of plates out.”

He complied. I cut one of his cupcakes in half and put a piece on each plate, then did the same with one of my own.


“We could use our fingers?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how they do it on cooking shows.”

Austin smiled and grabbed a couple of forks. “We should taste the same one.” He handed me a fork. “Mine first.”


“So we’re saving the best until last? We’ll need to eat yours to get rid of the taste of mine.”

“They can’t be that bad.”

He raised his eyebrows. We both took a bite.

“Oh.” The cupcake was like a dry rock in my mouth.

“See what I mean?” Austin said around his own mouthful.

I grabbed some water to wash it down. “They’re not bad for a beginner. A little dry.”

“And heavy.”

“You might want to try adding a bit of milk when you’re mixing the ingredients. It helps to make the mixture light and fluffy.”

“What would help the taste?”

“Some vanilla-bean paste. It’s much better than vanilla extract,” I added, glancing at the small brown bottle of extract that Austin had bought but obviously not used in his own cakes.

Austin nodded thoughtfully before trying my cake. He closed his eyes and murmured his approval. “Now this is like an orgasm in my mouth.”

I snorted a laugh. “A what?”

“An orgasm in my mouth.” He devoured the rest of his half of the cupcake and then put his plate down. “You win.” He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What do I win?”

“A kiss.” His lips and tongue tasted of strawberries and icing.

“Good prize.”

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About Author

Colette Davison

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

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