Dear Daddy, Please Hold Us By Colette Davison
Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MMM, Age-gap, Holiday
Tropes: Daddy/boy, age-play
Released: December 8, 2020
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 70,000 words
Cover Design: Cate Ashwood
Dear Santa,
If I could make one wish this Christmas, it would be for a Daddy with a big enough heart for two. We both want a Daddy who can be loving, but also firm when he needs to be, who enjoys spanking his boys and making their asses red, and with big enough arms to hold us both.
We need a Daddy who can help us let go and relax.
Lastly, but probably most importantly, we need a Daddy who can meet both our needs. I don’t have many boundaries as long as I can trust my Daddy, and I’m open to trying new things. Rett…well, he’s a little more reserved but he has a huge heart, and he’s the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet.
Here’s the thing, Santa: I have a little over a week to convince Rett to stay. I don’t know if you can magic up a Daddy who can love us both, but I’m making this wish anyway.
With hope,
Dear Daddy, Please Hold us is an MMM Christmas romance, with a pair of army brats, an Englishman in New York who knows how to handle them, a purple triceratops teddy, and lots of sweet cuddles.
This book is part of the Naughty or Nice multi-author series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but there are so many boys hoping that holiday magic will bring them their perfect Daddy, why not grab them all?
Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003
Sweet and so sexy!
I’m still relatively new to Daddy/boy books but I’ve read some really good ones lately – and this is one of them – so they are really growing on me. I’ve also now read several books by Colette Davison and her range of storytelling is quite vast and I’ve enjoyed all of them.
Dear Daddy, Please Hold Us has the added bonus (for me at least) of being a ménage story and I thought it was wonderful. Rett and Zeke have loved each other forever but something just isn’t working. While their love is strong, they aren’t really compatible in the bedroom. So Zeke decides to try and find them a Daddy that can help hold them together.
Micah is on a temporary assignment in the U.S. so he’s not really looking for anything permanent but he misses having a boy to care for. When he sees Zeke’s letter to Santa something just feels right to him so he responds.
Wow, the chemistry between Zeke and Micah was really evident right away. It took a little longer for Rett to warm up to the thought of the three of them being together but once he did the sparks really started to fly. I loved how caring Micah was right from the beginning. It was obvious that he was going to be an outstanding Daddy to his two boys.
I really loved everything about this story. Yes, there were a few sad times mixed in with the joyous ones but that’s how real life is. I loved how accepting and supportive the families were of the polyamorous relationship.
If you’re looking for a sweet, but oh so sexy, Daddy/boy story don’t look any further, this is a great one.
O Factor: Scorcher
Available to borrow with Kindle Unlimited.
As they helped me clean up after dinner, I tried to work out what kind of scene would make them both feel cared for and wanted in equal measure.
Then came a moment when we were all in closer quarters than we had been the whole evening. There wasn’t a lot of space between the kitchen counters and the breakfast bar, so while Rett was loading the dishwasher, I was drying the pots that couldn’t go in, and Zeke was putting the wine glasses away, both young men were within touching distance.
I put down the pot I was drying and the tea towel, and as soon as Zeke had closed the cupboard door, I hooked my finger through his belt loop, tugged him close, and mashed my lips to his in a commanding kiss. He let out a throaty chuckle. When he pressed his body against mine, I felt the makings of an erection through his jeans.
Rett was crouched down by the open dishwasher, eyes wide as he watched us. Had he ever seen his best friend kiss another man before? As I wrapped one arm around Zeke’s back, I wriggled my fingers at Rett, inviting him to join us. For a moment, I thought he wouldn’t, but then he stood, closed the dishwasher, and edged closer, one tentative step at a time. As soon as he was close enough, I put my arm around his waist and pulled him to me. They were standing shoulder to shoulder, their bodies tracing mine. I tore my mouth from Zeke’s and, with his saliva still damp on my lips, kissed Rett.
“Oh, Daddy, that’s hot,” Zeke breathed as he watched the two of us kiss.
Hearing him call me ‘Daddy’ sent blood pulsing to my cock. It was good to know Zeke felt comfortable enough to say it, and it made me long for the moment ‘Daddy’ would cross Rett’s lips too.
Rett put his hand on my chest and gripped my shirt in his fingers. He relaxed a little against me, but there was still far too much tension in his slender body.
“Now kiss each other,” I commanded.
They didn’t hesitate. They kissed each other dirtily for me, sucking each other’s tongues as I held them. Then Zeke’s mouth was on mine again, and a few seconds later, I was kissing Rett once more. Zeke sought out Rett’s neck with his mouth, sucking and kissing in a way I was sure was going to leave a mark. Rett moaned as we both lavished attention on him, and his body became a little more pliant in my arms.
I ran my hands down to their arses and squeezed, tugging them so I could feel every inch of their bodies against mine.
“Let’s move to the bedroom.”
Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.
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