Blog Tour: Hearts Ablaze and Series Review: Forged in the City by A.D. Ellis

10 June of 2020 by

Series Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Sweet but oh so HOT!

Hearts Ablaze by A.D. Ellis

Hearts Ablaze By A.D. Ellis


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: April 10, 2020

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Forged in the City, Book 1

Length: 63,000 words / 220 pages


Hearts Ablaze:
Chase Steele and Xander Copperfield are down on their luck, as similar as they are different, and ready for a love they didn’t even realize they’d been waiting on their whole lives.

With two gorgeous “tough guys” discovering and exploring their true selves, Hearts Ablaze is a steamy, slow-burn, friends-to-lovers, opposites attract, bisexual awakening romance.

Hearts Afire:
Ty Golden and Vic Black are done with dating, determined to take control of their own lives, and completely unprepared when love finds them.

With an independent, makeup-wearing, younger twink and a mature, protective, cardigan-wearing man, Hearts Afire is a steamy, slow-burn, age-gap, gay romance.

Hearts Aflame:
Gabe Sterling and Danny “Murder” Murdoch carry heavy baggage from the past and have no real reason to be drawn to each other. When they find themselves in an odd sort of friendship, both men are interested in more, but neither thought love was going to be part of the deal.

With a younger nurse who has an affinity for lace and an older mechanic with a tough reputation, Hearts Aflame is a steamy, friends-to-lovers, opposites attract, gay romance.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Sweet but oh so HOT!

I read Hearts Ablaze when it first came out and posted a review here on this blog. When the author decided to have a blog tour for that book I asked if I could do a review of all three books in the series. Since Hearts Aflame is the latest in the series, it’s the only one that I haven’t previously written a review for. In order to keep this post from getting too long, I’ll do short recaps of my reviews for books one and two with links to my original reviews, and do a complete review of Hearts Aflame.

A note about the series: I loved all of the books and I think these may just be the hottest, dirtiest, sexiest books that A.D. Ellis has ever written. Books one and three are particularly hot! The characters from A.D.’s Silver in the City appear in each of the Forged in the City books but it’s not necessary to read them first.

Hearts Ablaze – Sweet but oh so HOT!
There are so many great things to like in this book. Friends-to-lovers is one of my favorite romance tropes and this one really delivered. There were also cute kids, but not in such a way as to detract from the story. Another great element was Chase being found by a family member he had completely lost touch with.

Hearts Afire – Nice slow-burn, age-gap story.
Hearts Afire is the kind of age-gap story that I like. It doesn’t beat you to death with “oh, we shouldn’t, I’m too old for you” dialogue. The age difference is acknowledged, of course, but then they move on. I loved Ty and his fierce independent streak. He comes from a wealthy background but wants to make it on his own.

Vic was cheated on and that seriously colors his outlook on a lot of things. Including how he reacts when he finds out what one of Ty’s three jobs is. Nope, I’m not telling what that job is. Vic has to do some serious thinking and groveling if he is to get back in Ty’s good graces.

Hearts Aflame – Wowie, smoking hot with a little kink!
This is another great story in this series and boy is it hot. (Lace panties may have something to do with that! 😊 Gabe is a nurse and nothing at all like motorcycle mechanic, Danny Murdoch, but right when they first meet, they pretty much click. Well, at least Gabe is super curious about Danny and wants to get to know him better.

Danny is very reserved and isn’t used to participating in conversations with more than one or two words or grunts. Gabe can’t seem to stop talking around him and kissing Gabe seems to be the best way for Danny to shut him up. Danny quickly becomes completely enchanted with Gabe and vice versa.

I loved how these two guys interacted with each other. I especially loved how Gabe was able to bring Danny out of his shell and become a much happier person. It is sort of an insta-love story but I don’t mind those. In the beginning they talk about becoming friends-with-benefits but it doesn’t take long for them to know that they have something much more than that.

Both Danny and Gabe have things in their past that make them insecure about their self-worth but together they are able to put that behind them and realize that they have something that can really last. Parts of this story made me tear up – a couple of side characters have health challenges – but parts of it are also really funny. It’s hilarious to hear a couple of senior citizen ladies talking about sex and sex toys. (I can say that since I am a senior citizen myself. 😊)

If you’ve read the Silver in the City series you should really enjoy this book as the “porn” brothers finally get what’s coming to them. I’m sorry to see this series end but I know A.D. Ellis will have something new coming for us soon.


O Factor: Scorcher


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As I quietly opened the door, I was overcome with nervous anticipation. Sage and Bode were nice, they invited me to stay, there was no reason to feel like I was intruding or needed to sneak around.

Yet, I found myself just outside of the kitchen eavesdropping on Sage and Bode. I hadn’t meant to slink in the shadows and listen to their conversation, I just wasn’t exactly sure where I wanted to be and their words caught my attention. Before I knew what was happening, I was spying like a damn spying spier.

“Think about it. It’s like fate. Remember when you didn’t want me to move in here? You did everything you could to convince the guys to pick someone else. But you ended up with me and it turned out to be fabulous.” Sage’s words were low and persuasive. “Ginny finds her long-lost nephew, he discovers his aunt and a sister he never knew, and it looked very much like he and Xan are totally hitting it off.”

“Babe, he’s a complete stranger.” Bode’s words were gruff.

“Ginny had his records checked. You checked his records—even had Mark check them which I’m still not okay with. We could run a complete check for employment.” Sage paused and I heard the soft noises of a gentle kiss.

Bode groaned.

I was a total perv hiding in the shadows and getting turned on knowing Sage and Bode were kissing.

“We need an employee. We have an extra room.” Sage was laying it on thick. “We could help bring two siblings together and maybe even strike a love connection.”

Bode began to speak, but I missed what he said because I nearly shit myself as Rosie gripped my hand and basically screamed, “Whatcha doin? Why you hidin?”

Sage and Bode stuck their heads out of the kitchen and I prayed to melt into a puddle right there. Rosie shrugged when she realized it wasn’t a game and went back to playing with Oliver.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in.” My words poured from me like the pathetic excuse they were. “Really, I came for coffee, heard Sage and didn’t want to interrupt. By the time I realized you were talking about me, it was too late and I was frozen.” I ran a hand over my face, my cheeks on fire. “Shit, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Sage assured and waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Coffee?”

Since I wasn’t lucky enough to die on the spot, I nodded and entered the kitchen. “Yes, please.”

“Well, what would you think?” Bode leaned against the counter.

“About?” I stammered.

Sage beamed at Bode. It was clear Sage had won. Something told me Sage often won when it came to winning over Bode.

“Sage is right. We do need an employee at The Lizard. We lost quite a few people to college graduation or busy school schedules.” Bode shrugged. “We planned on inviting you to be around as much as possible to build a relationship with Rosie. If you’d be willing to have a complete background check, the position and room are yours.”

I stared at him for years. Decades even.

“What’s wrong with him? Did I break him?” Bode scowled and spoke out of the corner of his mouth to Sage.

Sage chuckled and moved closer to me. He pushed my jaw up. “Close your mouth, sweetie.” He stepped between me and Bode. “Chase, would you like a job at The Salty Lizard? It’s not glamorous or exciting.” He frowned. “Actually, it can be kinda exciting sometimes. And it’s always fun. Great people.” He dipped his head to catch my eyes. “Chase? Job? You want it?”

I nodded and tried to work my sandpapery thick tongue. “Yes, yes, of course, I want it.” I tried to breathe, but my lungs seemed to be faltering.

“We have a room here. You’d pay rent, but it’s a decent price. We’d set some ground rules. You’d have to be okay living with kids.” Sage spoke slowly as if trying to explain quantum physics to me. “Would you like the room?”

“I, um, I just can’t. I mean, yes, of course I’d want the room, but I can’t ask you guys to give me a job, give me a room, and let me hang with my sister. It’s too much.” I moved to the right and leaned against the sink.

“Want to talk about the rent and salary? Make a decision from there?” Sage patted my arm.

I nodded mutely.

Sage went to check on the kids and set them up with crayons and coloring books along with Kidz Bop on a tablet.

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About Author

A.D. Ellis

A.D. Ellis is an Indiana girl, born and raised. She spends much of her time in central Indiana as an instructional coach/teacher in the inner city of Indianapolis, being a mom to two amazing school-aged children, and wondering how she and her husband of nearly two decades haven’t driven each other insane yet. A lot of her time is also devoted to phone call avoidance and her hatred of cooking.

She loves chocolate, wine, pizza, and naps along with reading and writing romance. These loves don’t leave much time for housework, much to the chagrin of her husband. Who would pick cleaning the house over a nap or a good book? She uses any extra time to increase her fluency in sarcasm.

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