Amazing, Erotic, Sensual and Romantic.
Third One By Roe Horvat
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, GLBTQ, MM
Released: March 30, 2020
Publisher: Self-Published
Series: Those Other Books, Book 3
Length: 46,000 words / 140 pages
It could have been just an innocent crush. Something guiltless and fleeting. But Luke spends every day with Marcus; they talk, touch and dance together, they create and perform together. They know each other inside out. As a consequence, Luke has been in love with his very much taken choreographer for years. Seeing Marcus and his partner Liam together has become increasingly painful, and Luke needs to leave. His dancing career is nearing an end anyway. He will start university, reinvent himself, forget Marcus and find happiness elsewhere.
Except Marcus loves him back. And Liam knows. Liam’s dark eyes and his imposing silhouette begin haunting Luke’s dreams. Drowning in both lust and sadness, Luke is swept into a passionate triangle with two men who couldn’t be more different. Suddenly, instead of fear or caution, there’s just a mind-numbing desire for more.
Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003
Amazing, Erotic, Sensual and Romantic.
I have loved every book I’ve read by Roe Horvat. Third One is a beautifully written story that is smoking hot but so sensual and so romantic. It’s really a bit of a slow burn in that Luke, Liam and Marcus don’t get together as a throuple until about half way through the story. But there are plenty of hot scenes before that.
Luke has been in love with Marcus for a long time but he knows that he can never have him. And then something happens that Luke had only ever imagined in his dreams. He is both ecstatic and afraid when he learns that both Marcus and Liam want him as a third in their relationship.
I love how this book has such a wonderfully touching romance along with all of the hot sexy time. The sex is plentiful and yet the romance was almost always first in my mind as I read this. Don’t get me wrong, the sex scenes were beautifully written and I didn’t skip a one 😊, but I loved how the feelings that Luke, Liam and Marcus had for each other radiated off of the pages.
Roe Horvat has written another wonderful book and I’m a huge fan of his writing.
O Factor: Scorcher
Available to borrow from Kindle Unlimited.
Liam had always known words wouldn’t fix this. He walked closer, pausing next to Luke, who still wouldn’t look at him. Liam covered Luke’s left hand with his. The chill shocked him at first. Luke’s hand was ice-cold, and Liam was painfully aware of the last time they’d touched, two months ago at the hospital. He squeezed lightly before he stroked Luke’s fingers, warming them. Luke didn’t move, except his head sunk lower.He didn’t pull away.Luke didn’t pull away.
Of course, he didn’t. Liam hadn’t imagined the energy between them. Carefully watching Luke’s profile for clues, he lifted his other hand and let it rest on Luke’s neck. Luke squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled harshly, and Liam could see Luke struggling. His chest ached at the sight. He massaged Luke’s nape while the man battled with himself. Liam stepped closer still until his nose brushed Luke’s hair. Breathing in Luke’s scent, he nuzzled his temple. Just a second passed, and Liam wanted to pause the time. Please. He felt a shudder ripple through Luke. One more second, one more breath. It was unmistakable. They both felt it, the same pull, the same rush of want, glimpses of a future, a different reality where they would touch willingly and with the ease of familiar lovers. God, it had been such a long time since Liam felt this sure, this convinced of the grand potential of love.
A deep sigh and Luke leaned away, pulling his hand from underneath Liam’s.
“This is so wrong,” Luke blurted. He hugged his hand to his chest as if Liam had burned him with his touch.
“Why?” Liam asked.
Luke met Liam’s eyes, his mouth parted and closed again. Of course, he didn’t have an answer.
“You are supposed to hate me,” Luke whispered.
Liam smiled through the sadness. He caressed Luke’s cheek, then let his nails brush through the stubble. Luke sucked in a breath, and his pupils widened. Yes, he felt it too, Liam could see.
“I don’t hate you. Never have.”
“You should.”
Liam only shrugged. He needed more time with Luke. It wasn’t just Marcus who bound them together, not anymore. Luke stood still, accepting Liam’s touch, but it was obvious he could leave any second now. Liam had nothing to lose. He brushed a thumb over Luke’s lips. Their gazes locked, and Liam inched closer. He felt Luke’s short, shallow breaths against his finger. He traced the shape, the curve from the center of Luke’s top lip to the left corner. Leaning closer still, he managed to brush his nose against Luke’s in a featherlight touch.
Maybe the kiss wouldn’t have changed anything, and maybe it would have. Liam never got to know. Luke tore away, a low hiss escaping, and he was gone.
Throwing his head back, Liam braced his hands on his hips and sighed.
He needed more time. But how?
Queer fiction author Roe Horvat was born in the post-communist wasteland of former Czechoslovakia. Equipped with a dark sense of sarcasm, Roe traveled Europe and finally settled in Sweden. He came out as transgender in 2017 and has been fabulous since. He loves Jane Austen, Douglas Adams, bad action movies, stand-up comedy, pale ale, and daiquiri. When not hiding in the studio doing graphics, he can be found trolling cafés in Gothenburg, writing, and people-watching.
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