Great story, wonderful audio performance
Love’s Trials By Janice Jarrell, Performed by Walker Williams
Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM
Released: audio-January 28, 2020; ebook-October 12, 2018
Publisher: Self-Published
Series: Revolutionairy Heart, Book 2
Length: 287 pages / 9 hrs, 24 mins
Colin and Joshua faced the most harrowing ordeal of their lives with strength and courage. Believing they’d survived their trial, they looked forward to a future filled with happiness only to discover that the worst was yet to come. Sometimes surviving is the toughest trial of all.
After half a lifetime spent in short-term liaisons that allowed no intimacy, charismatic Irish police officer, Colin Campbell, found the love of his life. Dark-eyed, steady Joshua Abrams burned through Colin’s emotional barriers and taught him to look at life through new eyes, eyes that made room for the love and closeness he had always denied himself. Deeply in love and completely happy, their life together remains idyllic and their fiery passion for each other seems limitless.
They survive the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ riots, though not without scars. But later that month Colin’s position with the campus police force places him in charge of an informant program designed to crack a dangerous drug ring. Fully aware of the risks, he swears to Joshua that he will oversee the program without becoming directly involved. But Colin’s promise shatters when he becomes the only thing standing between a young Nigerian exchange student and a deadly drug lord.
It can be listened to as a standalone. But listening to Love’s Magic first would be helpful in understanding the characters.
Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003
Great story, wonderful audio performance
I kind of feel like I’ve been waiting for this audiobook forever. It’s really only been seven months or so but after listening to Love’s Magic back in June 2019 I couldn’t wait to listen to Love’s Trials. I own all of the books in this series but I haven’t read them simply because I am in love with Walker Williams performance of the stories and I knew this audiobook was in the works.
I was totally enthralled by this story and the dulcet timber of Walker Williams voice. To best understand Colin and Joshua’s love story I encourage you to either read or listen to Love’s Magic first. The blurb is excellent and from it I’m sure you can tell that hard times lie ahead for Collin and Joshua. There are many harrowing moments in this book and I shed more than a few tears. But all of those tears were worth it in the end because Joshua and Colin get their HEA.
Love’s Trials isn’t as complex of a story as Love’s Magic was because it pretty much focuses on only one couple but we do get to visit with Nate and David from Love’s Magic quite a bit. I sincerely hope that more of the books from the Revolutionary Hearts series will be coming out as audiobooks – especially if Walker Williams will be performing them.
Story: ♥♥♥♥♥
Performance: ♥♥♥♥♥
O Factor: Scorcher
My name is Janice Jarrell. I am a retired grandmother who lives in Seattle, WA. I have two children and three grandsons. I’ve been writing gay romance since I was twelve years old, only back then it wasn’t called ‘gay romance’. In fact, it had no name at all. It was the fifty’s, and it was worth your life to admit to being gay, let alone confess to being a girl who constantly fantasized about relationships between gay men. Hell, I didn’t even know what a homosexual was. I lived on a farm out in the sticks in a tiny Michigan village and I’d never, to my knowledge, even heard the word. I just knew I loved the thought of boy on boy romance. I just knew that there was something hot going on between Tom Corbett and his Space Cadets and all those guys on ‘Combat’.
I wrote slash fanfiction for 30 years, writing over 337 stories, some as short as 100 words (a drabble) some as long as a series which was over 119,012 words. I enjoy writing my stories. I enjoyed the feedback I received from my readers. It was a creative release I’d been searching for my entire life and I blessed the Internet for leading me to this artistic oasis for my spirit.
Love’s Magic was my very first step into writing my owncharacters. I will always be grateful the slash fanfiction community for nurturing the budding author until she was ready to blossom into a fully realized novelist, and I am thrilled that it is now available on Audible! It’s been an amazing thing to watch the gay community’s growth over these past twenty years. My own journey has echoed theirs in many ways, and I’m grateful to all those gay activists who fought to give the gay community the rights and privileges they always deserved.
My second contemporary gay romance novel, Love’s Trials followed Colin and Joshua on their journey as men and as a couple. The readers who fell in love with them in Love’s Magic were thrilled to see their romance continue to grow and blossom, but were forced to watch our beloved boys go through some pretty traumatic trials in this book, trials which nearly shattered their relationship. But their love proved stronger than any troubles in the end and they now move forward into the happiness they know they deserve.
In Love’s Glory, my newest release, Colin and Joshua bask in the happiness that eluded them in Love’s Trials. If you’re looking for a book filled with anger, fear, and anxiety… look elsewhere. Love’s Glory is about just that… the glory of love and the continued growth of these two extraordinary men and the amazing friends who are a large part of their lives.
I’m also grateful to the gay romance community, readers, authors, publishers and promoters, who are making these, my retirement years, the most creative ones of my life. When I’m not writing, I’m traveling, walking, hiking, knitting, crocheting, and weaving, and enjoying my life here in the heart of the Pacific Northwest.
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