Review Tour and Giveaway: After Ben by Con Riley

14 October of 2019 by

Reviewer's Rating: 4
4.0Overall score

A story of loss, healing and finding new love.

After Ben by Con Riley

After Ben By Con Riley


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: October 5, 2019

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Seattle Stories, Book 1

Cover Design: Natasha Snow


No more kissing a ghost…

A year after the sudden death of his longtime partner, Ben, Theo Anderson is still grieving. The last thing he’s looking for is a new lover, but as Theo discovers, sometimes life has its own plans.

The strength of his attraction to fellow gym member Peter is surprising. So is how compelling he finds Morgan, a new friend he makes online. Morgan is witty and fierce on the internet forum they frequent, while Peter is physically present in a way that’s hard to ignore.

Both men bring Theo closer to acceptance: he needs to lay Ben’s memory to rest if he’s to start afresh with a new lover.

Getting honest about the reasons for his yearlong isolation means confronting why he lost Ben… only just when he’s ready to commit, Theo finds he isn’t the only one haunted by the past.

Whether with Peter or with Morgan, choosing to love again—after Ben—might not be Theo’s toughest challenge.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A story of loss, healing and finding new love.

After Ben is the first book I’ve read by Con Riley and I really enjoyed reading it. It took me a bit longer to read it than I expected but that may be because it was my first book by this author. There were a lot of things woven throughout this book and I was really kept engaged by the story. I usually try to write a review as soon as I finish a book but I needed to let this one settle for me a bit; several days later it’s still difficult for me to put how I felt about it into words.

I found After Ben to be a pretty realistic story. I have never lost a partner but I have lost other important people and the grieving process is different each time. I can easily imagine how difficult it is to move on after such a loss. Some of the things that Theo does and the way he acts are similar to the way other grieving people I have known have acted.

This is an age-gap book but that is only one small aspect of the overall story. While the age gap between the characters was an important aspect of the story, and how it affected Theo’s relationship with his parents, I didn’t feel like it was beat to death like some age gap stories are. The fact is that the gap really wasn’t that great between Theo and Ben.

I loved the slow burn aspect of After Ben. I also liked the complications of Peter as a love interest for Theo. I have just one smallish complaint about the story… It ended a bit too abruptly for me. I’ll admit that I’m one of those readers who never wants a good book to end but in my opinion After Ben would have benefited greatly from an epilogue so that we could know how Theo and Morgan are doing a little further down the road. Perhaps we will see more of them in the other books in this series.

Since After Ben is a reissue of the book that was first published in 2012, I already know that a couple of characters get their own books and I’m looking forward to reading them.


O Factor: Spicy


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About Author

Con Riley

CON RILEY lives on the wild and rugged Devonshire coast, with her head in the clouds and her feet in the Atlantic Ocean. Injury curtailed her enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, so writing fiction now fills her free time instead. Love, loss, and redemption shape her romance stories, and her characters are flawed in ways that make them live and breathe. When not people-watching or wrangling her own boy band of teen sons, she spends time staring at the sea from her kitchen window. If you see her, don’t disturb her—she’s probably thinking up new plots.

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