Review Tour and Giveaway: Puzzle Me This by Eli Easton

13 September of 2019 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

What a beautiful story!

Puzzle Me This by Eli Easton

Puzzle Me This By Eli Easton


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Disability

Released: September 6, 2017

Publisher: Pinkerton Road LLC

Cover Design: Reese Dante


Luke Schumaker designs computer games, working from his home. Every day he walks his dog in the woods nearby, never suspecting that someone who is completely smitten is watching.

The watcher is Alex Shaw, and he too works from home, designing logic and crossword puzzles. Alex’s options are limited: he’s too shy to approach Luke and his wheelchair won’t let him follow into the woods. His solution? Secret messages for Luke in the crosswords he writes for the local paper.

When Luke decodes them, romance begins, but then they face greater puzzles, like Alex’s interfering sister and what commitment to a man in a wheelchair really takes. And, most puzzling of all, how do you know if love is real?

Second Edition: The new edition coming out Sept 6, 2019 has an additional 12,000 words plus an overall rewrite. It will be available in paperback for the first time as well as in ebook.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

What a beautiful story!

After reading the blurb for this book I was pretty certain that I would love it and boy did I. The story hit me in all of the best places. It made me laugh and then it made me cry sad tears and then, finally, happy tears.

The way that Alex created secret messages for Luke was so romantic and it didn’t matter one bit if it might be a bit far-fetched. It’s a romance and it’s fiction and the whole point is to feel the love and I did.

Alex and Luke really connect with each other. They like the same kinds of things and get each other’s sense of humor. And the sexy time between them is hot.

Everything between Alex and Luke is going great until Luke backs away and then Alex thinks he’s being rejected. Luke is confused about how he feels because things happened so fast between them.

I absolutely love a good short story or novella. I think it takes the right kind of author to be able to convey all that a reader needs to know, in a relatively small amount of words. Eli Easton did exactly that with this gem and I loved it.


O Factor: Scorcher


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About Author

Eli Easton

Having been, at various times and under different names, a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, a game designer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a fan fiction writer, and organic farmer, Eli has been a m/m romance author since 2013. She has over 30 books published.

Eli has loved romance since her teens and she particular admires writers who can combine literary merit, genuine humor, melting hotness, and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story. She promises to strive to achieve most of that most of the time. She currently lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with her husband, bulldogs, cows, a cat, and lots of groundhogs.

In romance, Eli is best known for her Christmas stories because she’s a total Christmas sap. These include “Blame it on the Mistletoe”, “Unwrapping Hank” and “Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles”. Her “Howl at the Moon” series of paranormal romances featuring the town of Mad Creek and its dog shifters has been popular with readers. And her series of Amish-themed romances, Men of Lancaster County, has won genre awards.

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