Release Blitz, Review Tour and Giveaway: Shake the Stars by V.L. Locey

10 July of 2019 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Fantastic story; I loved it!

Shake the Stars by V.L. Locey

Shake the Stars By V.L. Locey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM, New Adult

Released: July 10, 2019

Publisher: Gone Writing Publishing

Cover Design: Sloan J Designs

Length: 100,000 words approx..


Spending time in the Poconos with his family was the last thing Dane Forrester wanted to do over the summer. He had dreams of spending his last break touring Europe and gathering story ideas for his upcoming creative writing classes before heading to college. Maybe even finding that elusive first love in a small café in Paris, or along the Rhine, or even in a sultry villa in Italy. But no, he was stuck at the Silver Fir Lodge with his family where his dreams of romance and passion would wither and die a slow painful death, or so he imagined.

When all seemed lost, the budding wordsmith is saved—in more than one sense—by Khalid Novak, a lifeguard at the lodge’s pool. Khalid is two years older, a bit more sophisticated, and the most incredibly alluring thing Dane has ever seen. The two young men find themselves joyously wound in a searing romance that teaches Dane that love can be wildly intense yet fleeting so one should revel in it when the discovery is made.

Can this summer romance survive the chill of autumn as well as the winds of time?


Review Tour

Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Fantastic story; I loved it!

I’m not sure where to start with this review. Shake the Stars starts out in 2008 and is about the summer love affair between two young men still finding their way and not totally out as gay. It’s so sweet and hot and I just knew that it couldn’t last. But I also knew that V.L. Locey would give us an HEA so I wasn’t really worried.

The story is told in first person by Dale. He is an aspiring author and I really enjoyed reading about his thoughts and insecurities about his writing career. I can only imagine that the amount of detail about this comes from V.L. Locey’s personal experience.

I don’t want to give too much away but the story jumps forward ten years about two-thirds of the way through the book. I can’t give details without using spoilers so I’ll just say that Dale and Khalid reconnect and the story continues on to a wonderful ending.

This book brought me to tears more than a few times. Some were sad, some were happy. These two guys really go through a lot before they get their HEA. Dale’s father can’t accept that he’s gay and their formerly good relationship totally disintegrates. Khalid also has family issues to deal with but his parents have accepted he’s gay and didn’t disown him.

Shake the Stars is a wonderfully intense story. At around 100,00 words it’s one that you can really sink your teeth into. As is normal for a V.L. Locey story there are many hot, sexy scenes to enjoy. I really can’t say enough good things about this one. As soon as I finished reading it, I immediately pre-ordered a copy and that’s not something I do a lot when I’ve received an ARC of a book.


O Factor: Scorcher


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About Author

V.L. Locey

USA Today Bestselling Author V.L. Locey – Penning LGBT hockey romance that skates into sinful pleasures.

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, Torchwood and Dr. Who, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a pair of geese, far too many chickens, and two steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in one hand and a steamy romance novel in the other.

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