Release Blitz, Review Tour and Giveaway: Nine Small Sips by V.L. Locey

12 June of 2019 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

I loved reading Isamu and Brian's HEA.

Nine Small Sips by V.L. Locey

Nine Small Sips By V.L. Locey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Age Gap

Released: June 12, 2019

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Tales of Bryant, Book 2

Cover Design: Sloan J Designs


Life for Isamu Taylor is now a Cinderella story that includes a Manhattan loft, a new position in the hottest LGBT film production company in New York City, and an upcoming wedding in Bryant Park to his very own handsome prince.

He’s come a long way from that struggling film student with ratty sneakers and shaggy hair. Isamu is now living an urbanite’s fairy tale with that happily ever after just around a bustling city street corner.

But as all wedding planners know, even the best laid plans seem to go awry, and Isamu and Brian’s wedding is no exception. But love – both old and new – is in the air, so nothing can go too badly, right?

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

I loved reading Isamu and Brian’s HEA.

Let me start by saying that the Tales of Bryant series is best enjoyed by reading the books in order. While it might be OK to read this as a standalone you will have missed important background information about Isamu and Brian’s relationship.

In my review of book one, Tales of Bryant, I said that Brian was a bit of a jerk. In Nine Small Sips I think he finally redeems himself by bending over backwards to give Isamu the perfect wedding. This is a novella length story – just perfect for reading all in one evening.

Lots of things seem to go wrong or change at the last minute in regards to their wedding plans and it has Isamu acting like bridezilla. It’s a romance so of course everything works out in the end, which is the most important thing. In between all of the wedding preparation Isamu and Brian manage to make time for lots of sexy shenanigans that almost set my e-reader on fire. ?

I’m happy that there will be another book in this series about two secondary characters from this book. A nice thing to look forward to in 2020!


O Factor: Scorcher


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About Author

V.L. Locey

USA Today Bestselling Author V.L. Locey – Penning LGBT hockey romance that skates into sinful pleasures.

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, Torchwood and Dr. Who, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a pair of geese, far too many chickens, and two steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in one hand and a steamy romance novel in the other.

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