Audio Review and Giveaway: Will and Patrick Wake Up Married Serial 1-3 by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths, performed by John Solo

09 June of 2019 by

Narration: 5
Story: 5
5.0Overall score

OMG, John Solo's performance is fantastic!

Will and Patrick Wake Up Married Serial 1-3 by Leta Blake

Will and Patrick Wake Up Married Serial 1-3 By Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths, Narrated By John Solo

Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: May 24, 2019

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Wake Up Married, Book 1-3

Length: 11 hrs and 34 mins

Performed by: John Solo


Episode 1: Will & Patrick Wake Up Married

After a drunken night of hot sex in Vegas, strangers Will Patterson and Dr. Patrick McCloud wake up married. A quickie divorce is the most obvious way out – unless you’re the heir of a staunchly Catholic mafia boss with a draconian position on the sanctity of marriage. Throw their simmering attraction into the mix and all bets are off!

Episode 2: Will & Patrick Meet the Family

Meeting the family is challenging for every new couple. But for Will and Patrick, the awkward family moments only grow more hilarious – and painful – when they must hide the truth of their predicament from the people they care about most. Throw in the sexual tension flaring between them and you’ve got a recipe for madcap laughs and surprisingly heartwarming feels.

Episode 3: Will & Patrick Do the Holidays

A couple’s first holiday season is always a special time. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve are magical when you’re in love. Too bad Will and Patrick’s marriage is a sham and they’re only faking their affection for each other. Or are they? Sparks fly in this episode of the Wake Up Married serial. Will the sexual tension between Will and Patrick finally explode in a needy night of passion? Or will they continue to deny their feelings?


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

OMG, John Solo’s performance is fantastic!

I have heard so many good things about the Will and Patrick series, and it’s been on my TBR list for quite a while. When these first three episodes finally came out as an audiobook, I couldn’t wait any longer to read it.

I think this is one of those stories that I might not have liked nearly as much if I’d read it. One of the MC’s, Patrick, is not very likeable at all but John Solo’s fabulous performance of the story allowed me to ignore (for the most part) how much of a jerk he is. Fortunately, as the story progressed my opinion of him improved.

I’m not going to restate the book’s blurb. It does lack some information that I think was kind of significant but I’m afraid it would be too much of a spoiler to reveal it, which is probably why it’s not in the blurb. ? The main thing for me was that I found the story engaging due to the excellent voice acting by John Solo. I can’t say enough good things about how much I LOVED his performance of this story. The emotions he conveyed with his voice really allowed me to feel what the characters were feeling.

This is an audiobook that I could see myself listening again (something I rarely do because I just have way too many books on my TBR list). I only have a few super favorite audiobook performers but that short list has now been increased by one.

To wrap up this kind of disjointed review, I would recommend this audiobook for the wonderful performance alone, but it’s also a very enjoyable story.

Story: ♥♥♥♥♥

Narration: ♥♥♥♥♥

O Factor: Scorcher


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Wake Up Married by Leta Blake

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About Author

Leta Blake

Author of the bestselling book Smoky Mountain Dreams and the fan favorite Training Season, Leta Blake’s educational and professional background is in psychology and finance, respectively. However, her passion has always been for writing. She enjoys crafting romance stories and exploring the psyches of made up people. At home in the Southern U.S., Leta works hard at achieving balance between her day job, her writing, and her family.

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Alice Griffiths
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John Solo
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