Release Blitz, Review Tour and Giveaway: One-On-One by V.L. Locey

16 January of 2019 by

Reviewer's Rating: 4
4.0Overall score

A sweet love story but also really hot!

One-On-One by V.L. Locey width=

One-On-One By V.L. Locey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Sports, Hockey

Released: January 14, 2019

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Cayuga Cougars, Book 5

Cover Design: Reverie Formatting and Design


The past few years have been a bit chaotic for Cougars new associate coach, Lancaster Hart. After an amiable divorce he began living his life as the gay man he’d kept closeted for far too long. With the recent move to Cayuga, he’s away from his support system and properly made sweet tea. Despite a roster filled with new friends and associates, he’s spending his nights alone.

As his team gears up to make a run at the Calder Cup, Lancaster discovers that not everything in upstate New York is wine, woodlands, and chilly conservative ideals. At a summer music festival, he first lays eyes on Townsend Harris, folksy/blues singer by night and mayoral office assistant by day. Lancaster is enraptured with the man’s powerful sultry voice. Also, Town just might be the most beautiful man he has seen in all his forty-one years.

The two hit it off at an informal meet and greet after the show, where they spend the night talking and sipping wine. One evening of conversation and an incendiary goodbye kiss leads them into a scorching love affair that might be exactly what Lancaster has been searching for his whole life. Can his team pull off professionally what he’s hoping to do privately as well? Or will capturing their dream evade both the Cougars and Lancaster?

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A sweet love story but also really hot!

One-On-One brings the Cayuga Cougars series to a close and I was a bit sorry to know that this is the end. So I was really happy when I finished the book and saw a note from the author that she has 3 more books planned for Victor and Dan and Jack.

Cayuga Cougars associate coach, Lancaster Hart, is finally living his authentic life as a gay man. When he sees Townsend Harris singing at a local festival he is smitten. The two men begin a romantic relationship, the kind that Lancaster never thought he’d ever have.

Wow, there is a lot going on in this story. Lancaster and Townsend’s new love story, Lancaster’s relationship with his ex-wife and family, the Cougar’s run for the Calder Cup and lots of cameo appearances by the players who have already had their love stories told.

While One-On-One is the fifth book in the series it does standalone really well. Characters from past books do appear but the main focus is on Lancaster and Hart and the team’s playoff games leading up to the Calder Cup championship. The other books in this series are really great, though, so I highly recommend reading them, especially if you like reading series in order.

Although this book didn’t have as much of an emotional impact on me as others in the series, it’s still a great story and I really loved catching up with the team again. There was perhaps a bit more hockey jargon in this book than I remembered from the others but you still don’t need to be a hockey fan to enjoy reading it. To me the clear message from this book is that love is love and that it’s important to live your life to the fullest and be yourself.

Bravo to Ms. Locey for giving us a very nice finish to this series.


O Factor: Scorcher


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About Author

V.L. Locey

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, Dr. Who, Torchwood, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, two Jersey steers and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.

When not writing lusty tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand.

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