Release Blitz, Review Tour and Giveaway: The Magician’s Angel by Jordan L. Hawk

04 December of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 4
4.0Overall score

Holiday story with a mystery.

The Magician's Angel by Jordan L. Hawk

The Magician’s Angel By Jordan L. Hawk


Genre: Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Holiday, Christmas

Released: December 2, 2018

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: The Christmas Angel, Book 3

Length: 27,000 words approx..

Cover Design: Meredith Russell


Vaudeville stage magician Christopher Fiend lives for the spotlight. His chance at big time stardom awaits him in Chicago, the next stop on the circuit after the little town of Twelfth Junction.

Edward Smith wants nothing to do with his family’s theater. Until Christopher catches his eye on opening night, then treats him to a very special performance during intermission.

When a dead body turns up in the middle of Christopher’s act, suspicion immediately falls on him. If Christopher and Edward can’t work together to clear his name, Christopher won’t make it to Chicago in time. Edward knows he shouldn’t get attached to a man who will be gone in two days, but his heart—and a very special angel—have other ideas.

The Christmas Angel series of holiday romances follow the travels of an angel ornament through the decades as she inspires (and sometimes nudges) lonely men to find their Happily Ever After.

The Magician’s Angel is the third in series, which can be read in any order.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Holiday story with a mystery.

This is the first book I’ve read by Jordan L. Hawk. I have other books in my digital library by them but for whatever reason I just haven’t read any others yet. I must not have read the blurb well (shame on me) because I was totally caught by surprise when there was a murder mystery in the story. This wasn’t a bad surprise at all, just not quite what I was expecting.

I loved the mystery and intrigue in this story. I thought it was great how Edward and Christopher worked together to solve it. It was a quick read and a good addition to The Christmas Angel series and I really enjoyed The Magician’s Angel.  Now I need to move the other books I have by Jordan L. Hawk closer to the top of my to-be-read list!


O Factor: Spicy


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Books in the SeriesThe Christmas Angel Series

The Christmas Angel Series

In 1750, a master woodcarver poured all his unrequited love, passion, and longing into his masterpiece—a gorgeous Christmas angel for his beloved’s tree. When the man he loved tossed the angel away without a second thought, a miracle happened. The angel was found by another who brought the woodcarver True Love.

Since then, the angel has been passed down, sold, lost and found, but its magic remains. Read the romances inspired by (and perhaps nudged along by) the Christmas angel through the years. Whether it’s 1700s England (Eli Easton’s Christmas Angel), the 1880’s New York (Kim Fielding’s Summerfield’s Angel), the turn-of-the-century (Jordan L. Hawk’s Magician’s Angel), World War II (L.A. Witt’s Christmas Homecoming), Vietnam-era (N.R. Walker’s Soldier’s Wish), the 1990’s (Anyta Sunday’s Shrewd Angel), or 2018 (RJ Scott’s Christmas Prince), the Christmas angel has a way of landing on the trees of lonely men who need its blessing for a very Merry Christmas and forever HEA.

Christmas Angel – Eli Easton – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Summerfield’s Angel – Kim Fielding – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
The Magician’s Angel – Jordan L. Hawk – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Christmas Homecoming – L.A. Witt – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
A Soldier’s Wish – N.R. Walker – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Shrewd Angel – Anyta Sunday – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Christmas Prince – RJ Scott – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK

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About Author

Jordan L. Hawk

Jordan L. Hawk is a non-binary queer author from North Carolina. Childhood tales of mountain ghosts and mysterious creatures gave them a life-long love of things that go bump in the night. When they aren’t writing, they brew their own beer and try to keep the cats from destroying the house. Their best-selling Whyborne & Griffin series (beginning with Widdershins) can be found in print, ebook, and audiobook.

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