Release Blitz, Review Tour, Excerpt and Giveaway: Summerfield’s Angel by Kim Fielding

02 December of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Social standing differences didn't keep them apart.

Summerfield's Angel by Kim Fielding

Summerfield’s Angel By Kim Fielding


Genre: Western Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Holiday, Christmas

Released: December 2, 2018

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: The Christmas Angel, Book 2

Length: 32,000 words approx..

Cover Design: Meredith Russell


After the hard winter of 1888 ended Alby Boyle’s work as a Nebraska ranch hand, he returned to New York City in search of his long-lost family. His mother and brothers are nowhere to be found, however, and after Alby’s years of absence, Five Corners no longer feels like home. His prospects seem as dim as the nighttime alleys.

When Alby pauses to admire an angel ornament in a department store window’s Christmas display, he meets Xeno Varnham-Summerfield. Wealthy, handsome, and enthusiastic, Xeno brings Alby some temporary cheer. But for Alby to achieve his dreams of love and a real home, well, that may take a bit of holiday magic.

This book is two of seven stories which can all be read and enjoyed in any order.

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Social standing differences didn’t keep them apart.

Summerfield’s Angel is the second book in a series of standalone Christmas stories that can be read in any order according to the authors. I’d like to say, though, that I suggest reading Christmas Angel first as it gives you the background about where the angel comes from. You won’t be at all lost if you don’t read it before the others, I just think you might enjoy the series better if you read this one first.

I haven’t read too many western historical romance stories and I really enjoyed this one. While it might be novella length, the author sure provides a lot of depth in the story. I loved reading about New York City during this time period.

Alby is in NYC to look for the family he left 17 years ago. He is enchanted by the Christmas angel he sees atop the tree in a department store window and he keeps returning to look at it.Xeno is the son of a wealthy family who owns the department store that Alby is drawn to. From the first time that he sees him looking in the window of the store he is taken with him. He encourages Alby to find a better place to stay and tells him about the YMCA.

Alby doesn’t want to trust that Xeno could possibly be interested in someone like him – an uneducated cowboy. He does go to stay at the YMCA where he gets help finding a job. He and Xeno become friends and then something more.

This was a sweet story and I’m glad I got to read it.


O Factor: Spicy


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Books in the SeriesThe Christmas Angel Series

The Christmas Angel Series

In 1750, a master woodcarver poured all his unrequited love, passion, and longing into his masterpiece—a gorgeous Christmas angel for his beloved’s tree. When the man he loved tossed the angel away without a second thought, a miracle happened. The angel was found by another who brought the woodcarver True Love.

Since then, the angel has been passed down, sold, lost and found, but its magic remains. Read the romances inspired by (and perhaps nudged along by) the Christmas angel through the years. Whether it’s 1700s England (Eli Easton’s Christmas Angel), the 1880’s New York (Kim Fielding’s Summerfield’s Angel), the turn-of-the-century (Jordan L. Hawk’s Magician’s Angel), World War II (L.A. Witt’s Christmas Homecoming), Vietnam-era (N.R. Walker’s Soldier’s Wish), the 1990’s (Anyta Sunday’s Shrewd Angel), or 2018 (RJ Scott’s Christmas Prince), the Christmas angel has a way of landing on the trees of lonely men who need its blessing for a very Merry Christmas and forever HEA.

Christmas Angel – Eli Easton – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Summerfield’s Angel – Kim Fielding – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
The Magician’s Angel – Jordan L. Hawk – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Christmas Homecoming – L.A. Witt – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
A Soldier’s Wish – N.R. Walker – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Shrewd Angel – Anyta Sunday – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK
Christmas Prince – RJ Scott – Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK

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About Author

Kim Fielding

Kim Fielding is the bestselling author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.
Kim’s novel Brute was the 2013 Rainbow Award Winner for Best Gay Fantasy and tied for fourth place for Best Gay Novel.

After having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls the boring part of California home. She lives there with her husband, her two daughters, and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.

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