Release Blitz, Review Tour and Giveaway: Loving a Warrior by Melanie Hansen

26 November of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

A romance about SEALs that's different from any other I've read.

Loving a Warrior by Melanie Hansen

Loving a Warrior By Melanie Hansen


Genre: Contemporary Military Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: November 26, 2018

Publisher: Carina Press

Length: 77,300 approx.


BUD/S: six months of the most intense training there is. It’s survival of the toughest, and Matt Knytych is determined to come out the other side a navy SEAL.

Distraction is life or death. And just the sight of former marine Shane Hovland is enough to shake Matt’s concentration.

Shane came to BUD/S training ready to prove himself—again. Semper Fi is forever, but he needs a new start. Not this dangerous heat with a man he barely knows.

Everything they’ve ever wanted is riding on a thin, punishing line. And they’ll have to fight for more than just each other if they want to make it through intact.

After all, the only easy day was yesterday.

Review Tour


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A romance about SEALs that’s different from any other I’ve read.

I’ve read a lot of SEAL romances, both M/M and M/F, but Loving a Warrior was quite a bit different from any other and I loved it. I read a few reviews where people complained that there was too much information about BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training. For me, this is what really set this book apart from other SEAL romances and I thought it was great that Melanie Hansen used this information in the book.

Loving a Warrior is a fairly longish read at 310 pages but I couldn’t put it down. Ms. Hansen just about ripped my heart out with her book, Point of Contact (a very complex story). Loving a Warrior wasn’t quite as gut-wrenching for me but it affected me in other ways. If the BUD/S training she writes about in this book is even half as grueling as what she describes, my appreciation for this outstanding group of armed service members hasn’t been strong enough previously.

The level of emotional stuff going on in this story was high and I was in tears more than once. Besides the UST (unresolved sexual tension) between Matt and Shane, there is the story of Shane’s sister and her relationship with his best friend. This is one meaty story.

I was really happy to learn that there would be another book in this series coming out next year. A bit of warning to those who will read only M/M books, Keeping a Warrior is an M/F story. Lucky for me I enjoy all types of pairings in my romance books. ?


O Factor: Scorcher


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November 26The Novel Approach, Diverse Reader, Xtreme Delusions, Gay Book Reviews, Archaeolibrarian, BFD Book Blog, Love Sawyer, November 28The Blogger Girls, November 29Joyfully Jay, November 30Two Chicks Obsessed, Mikku-chan, Mainely Stories, December 1My Fiction Nook, December 4Love Bytes, December 5Mirrigold, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Amy’s MM Romance Reviews, Valerie Ullmer, Jessie G Books, Wicked Faerie’s Tales & Reviews, Lillian Francis, Reading In Sarah’s Corner, Jim’s Reading Room, Making It Happen, Sexy Erotic Xciting, MM Good Book Reviews, December 6Gay Book Reviews

About Author

Melanie Hansen

Melanie Hansen doesn’t get nearly enough sleep. She loves all things coffee-related, including collecting mugs from every place she’s visited. After spending eighteen years as a military spouse, Melanie definitely considers herself a moving expert. She has lived and worked all over the country, and hopes to bring these rich and varied life experiences to the love stories she gets up in the wee hours to write. On her off-time, you can find Melanie watching baseball, reading or spending time with her husband and two teenage sons.

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