Release Blitz, Review and Giveaway: Operation Makover by DJ Jamison

25 October of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

A great standalone addition to the series.

Operation Makover by DJ Jamison

Operation Makover By DJ Jamison


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: October 25, 2018

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Hearts and Health, Book 7

Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ Black Jazz Design


Will a makeover bring his fantasy to life or lead him to a love he never saw coming?

As a professional x-ray tech, Ridley has come a long way from the geeky kid Jace took under his wing in high school. Not that his best friend has noticed. Tired of pining, Ridley decides to show Jace what he’s missing. And what better way than with a newer, more sophisticated look?

Cole’s clients at the salon where he works love him dearly. Men? Not so much. He has dated one mistake after the next, and he’s beginning to wonder if a guy exists who can handle his fabulousness. Then Ridley lands in his chair.

Cole agrees to be Ridley’s makeover guru, and they click effortlessly. But when Cole offers to help Ridley with his sexual confidence, passion flares and boundaries blur.

Ridley’s had his heart set on Jace a long time, but when he’s with Cole it feels too real to deny. Now he has a choice to make: the friend he’s always wanted or the man who’s given him a whole new lease on life.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A great standalone addition to the series.

I really love the Hearts and Health series by DJ Jamison; all but one of them have been 5 star reads for me (and that one was 4 stars which is still great). At first I thought this was going to be a friends-to-lovers story but that’s not quite how it turned out. ?

Ridley has been in love with his BFF, Jace, for a long time but Jace has never noticed him that way. Ridley decides it’s time to change things up so he decides to get a new hair style which leads him to get new clothes. Cole is the hair stylist who gave him his new look. While Cole knows that the reason for the makeover is to get Jace to notice Ridley he can’t seem to help falling for Ridley himself.

This is a longer book than DJ has written in the past but not once did it seem to drag or be too slow. I was fully invested in the story right from the beginning and really fell in love with Cole and then Ridley.

I was glad to learn that the next book in the series will be about Jace and I look forward to reading it. While the epilogue is a teaser for Jace’s story this book doesn’t have a cliffhanger. Ridley and Cole’s story has a very satisfying HEA/HFN.


O Factor: Scorcher


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Operation Makeover Teaser

Operation Makeover Teaser

Hearts and Health by DJ Jamison

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About Author

DJ Jamison

DJ Jamison worked in newsrooms for more than 10 years, which helped tremendously when she began her series of novellas centered on The Ashe Sentinel, a fictional small-town newspaper in Kansas. When she’s not laboring over her works of fiction, she works as a social media marketer and blogger.

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