Review Tour & Giveaway: Lost in Indigo by V.L. Locey

16 July of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 4
4.0Overall score

I loved Indigo.

Lost in Indigo by V.L. Locey width=

Lost in Indigo By V.L. Locey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: July 10, 2018

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Colors of Love, Book 1

Cover Design: Designs By Sloan


Mathieu Beresford was so close to seeing his dream come true.

The thirty-eight-year-old captain of the Buffalo Surge had led his team to the final round of the playoffs with his aggressive defensive play and leadership. During the first game of the championship series, he was taken down, and his leg snapped upon impact with the boards. From his hospital bed, Mathieu watched his team go on to win it all.

Adrift in anger, resentment, and the new direction of his life, he returns to his mansion along the St. Lawrence River. Alone and sulking, Mathieu is not prepared for Indigo Neu to enter his life. The genderflux twenty-year-old botany major signs on to play nursemaid, confidant, and groundskeeper over the summer and slowly leads Mathieu out of his confusion––one tender smile and touch at a time.

The deeper Mathieu falls, the more he wonders if being lost might not be so bad after all.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

I loved Indigo.

I really enjoyed Lost in Indigo; it’s a good age gap story. I’m not a sports fan but I do like reading romance stories with sports themes. A lot of the hockey stuff in this one went right over my head but that didn’t take away from the story at all.

The synopsis/blurb is good so I won’t rehash it. While reading the book there were many times I wanted smack Mathieu with a hockey stick – hard! He’s deep in the closet and Indigo is out and proud. Mat hurts Indigo so many times that he finally can’t take it any more and cuts off contact. I wasn’t sure how Mat could ever redeem himself but this is a love story so they do get their HEA. Epilogues are sometimes my favorite part of a story and this one was good.

One of the things I was a bit frustrated with in the story was the horrible, homophobic nurse that Mat’s agent hired for him. I didn’t quite understand why she wasn’t thrown out the door right away. It didn’t ruin the story for me; I just found it a bit puzzling.

I loved the character of Fran, Mat’s friend who was also his “beard” over the years. She was delightful.

All in all this is a great start to a new series from V.L. Locey and I look forward to reading more stories in this world.


O Factor: Scorcher


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Lost in Indigo


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About Author

V.L. Locey

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, Dr. Who, Torchwood, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, two Jersey steers and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.

When not writing lusty tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand.

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