Release Blitz, Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: Orderly Affair by DJ Jamison

24 April of 2018 by

Reviewer's Rating: 4
4.0Overall score

I liked Callum and Ian.

Orderly Affair by DJ Jamison width=

Orderly Affair By DJ Jamison


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM

Released: April 24, 2018

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Hearts & Health, Book 6


A hospital orderly explores his bisexuality with an adorably geeky lab tech, but can their sparks lead to love outside the closet?

When Ian Connolly installs a hookup app to explore his long-suppressed attraction to men, he doesn’t expect to connect with anyone he knows, especially not lab tech Callum Price. But from their first scorching encounter, he’s hooked.

Callum hasn’t had the best luck with love, and he’s suffocating under a pile of responsibilities. But when he sees an opportunity to blow off steam with Ian, he takes it. The man is smoking hot, big all over, and sweet as pie.

Their chemistry is off the charts, but a relationship is more challenging. Callum remains stubbornly self-reliant, while Ian tries too hard to be his rock. But if Ian can be honest with his family about loving a man, maybe Callum can admit his own truth: He wants a man he can count on, a man just like Ian.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

I liked Callum and Ian.

Orderly Affair is a good addition to the Hearts & Health series. It didn’t grab me quite as much as other stories in the series but I still liked it a lot.Ian is divorced but still on friendly terms with his wife. He’s only now coming to terms with being bi-sexual and is ready to explore his attraction to men. He’s not out to anyone yet.

Callum is a lab tech at the hospital where Ian works. He has problems at home; he can’t get rid of his ex-boyfriend who is still living in his house, and his mother won’t acknowledge that he’s gay even with the ex still living with them. His mother has health problems and she likes the dead-beat ex because he runs errands for her and keeps her company while Callum works.

At first, Callum is OK with Ian being in the closet because they’re just having a fling after meeting via a hook-up app. But as their relationship begins to get more serious he knows that he can’t go on unless Ian is willing to come out to his family and friends.

Ian has a teenage son, Liam, from his marriage, and he’s really afraid of his reaction if he comes out to him. I liked the supporting characters in this book. Liam is a great character and his mother, Ian’s ex, and her husband also add interest to the story.

This is a very good book with a great epilogue. DJ Jamison writes the best epilogues and this one gives us a peek at Ian and Callum three months down the road. It was also fun to revisit characters from previous stories in the series.

I’m looking forward to reading more books in this series.


O Factor: Scorcher


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Here’s an excerpt of an app hookup that serves as the catalyst for Ian and Callum’s relationship. Enjoy!

Callum Price swallowed hard, staring at Ian Connolly’s massive … everything.

The orderly was six-foot-four, compared with Callum’s modest five-foot-eight height. Broad and muscled, Ian could toss Callum across the room with very little effort. That sent a thrill of fear through his body and a frisson of excitement straight to his cock.

You are one screwed up puppy.

Callum knew the guy from the app might be someone he knew, but he never would have guessed him to be Ian “straight guy” Connolly.

He licked his lips and raked his eyes over Ian’s chest and stomach, too obscured by the loose scrub top to hint at the goodies beneath. “I didn’t know you were …”

“Me either,” Ian said. Then coughed with embarrassment. “I mean, I’m bi and just now exploring my … curiosity.”

“Bi or bi-curious? They’re not the same.”

“Are we really going to have a serious talk about sexuality in the john?”

Ian had a point. Callum’s pulse raced, sending all his blood south and muddying his thoughts, as he stared at BigBiGuy. Ian. He knew the hospital orderly only through a loosely organized group of hospital staffers who played basketball every now and then. They nodded and smiled hello in the halls, but their paths didn’t cross all that much.

Yet, here they were.

Callum had noticed Ian was a big guy; it would have been impossible to miss. But he’d filed him into the unavailable category with all the other straight men, and as a result, hadn’t fully appreciated the man’s body.

He wasn’t about to miss an opportunity to correct that mistake.

“Take off your shirt.”

Orderly Affair teaser image

Hearts & Health by DJ Jamison

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Direct link to the Rafflecopte giveaway.

About Author

DJ Jamison

DJ Jamison is the author of more than a dozen m/m romances, including the Ashe Sentinel series and the Hearts and Health series. She writes a variety of queer characters, from gay to bisexual to asexual, with a focus on telling love stories that are more about common ground than lust at first sight. DJ grew up in the Midwest in a working-class family, and those influences can be found in her writing through characters coping with real-life problems: money troubles, workplace drama, family conflicts and, of course, falling in love. DJ spent more than a decade in the newspaper industry before chasing her first dream to write fiction. She spent a lifetime reading before that, and continues to avidly devour her fellow authors’ books each night. She lives in Kansas with her husband, two sons, two fish and, regrettably, one snake.

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