Release Blitz, Review Tour, Review and Giveaway: Improper Fraction by V.L. Locey

20 October of 2017 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Such a good friends-to-enemies-to-lovers story.

Improper Fraction by V.L. Locey width=

Improper Fraction By V.L. Locey


Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLTBQ, MM, NA (New Adult)

Released: October 18, 2017

Publisher: Gone Writing Publishing LLC

Cover Design: Rêverie Design & Formatting


O’Malley Ramsey, math aficionado, grew up next door to Garrison Rook, All-American athlete. While O’Malley dreamed of numbers and kissing Garrison, Garrison’s tastes ran to home runs and hot chicks. During a family celebration the night before both young men were heading off for college, O’Malley joyously discovers that Garrison isn’t quite as straight as the star athlete had been pretending to be. Vows to return to each other quickly followed a few clumsy kisses in the old treehouse in the Rook’s backyard.

O’Malley came home to Garrison. Garrison never returned to O’Malley.

Four years later, the two ex-friends meet up at a summer camp where O’Malley is serving as a counselor. Garrison is desperate to make things right with his childhood friend, but can O’Malley, still nursing the pain and mistrust of Garrison’s betrayal, ever forgive or love Garrison again?

Length: 68,690 words

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Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Such a good friends-to-enemies-to-lovers story.

Wow, Improper Fraction really hit me with all the feels. It’s been a little while since I’ve read a story with this trope – childhood best friends, one gay, one not-so-straight and they have a falling out.

When O’Malley discovers that his best friend and secret crush, Garrison, isn’t as straight as he always thought, the two make a promise to each other. Unfortunately, Garrison doesn’t hold up his end of the deal and O’Malley is devastated. But life goes on and Mal finally accepts that he and Garrison are no longer even friends and moves on to other guys – lots of other guys. When he and Garrison meet up four years later things really get interesting.

Have you ever read just the beginning of a book and knew that you were going to love it? That’s how it was for me with Improper Fraction . The story has a nice long Prologue and after reading it I just knew the rest of the story was going to hit me hard – in a good but heart-wrenching then happy way.

The blurb/synopsis really tells you everything you need to know. I actually felt that I would love this story just from reading the blurb, but I’ve felt that way with other books and then been very disappointed. Not so with Improper Fraction ; in my opinion the blurb is spot-on and the book delivers everything I expected after reading it.

I wish I didn’t believe that parts of this book depict how life really is for gay men but, unfortunately, I’m sure that it does. Rest assured that the story has a happy ending and the epilogue was just what I needed. I read way too many books to remember details about all of them but this one will stay with me a bit longer than others.

I almost forgot to mention that the story is told in first-person POV, by O’Malley. The only thing that could have made this book any better would have been to get Garrison’s POV in at least a few places. In the end that didn’t matter to me because I really loved the story.


O Factor: Scorcher


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October 18 – BooksLaidBareBoys, Diverse Reader, Au Boudoir Ecarlate
October 20 – Xtreme Delusions, Mirrigold: Mutterings & Musings
October 23 – Gay Media Reviews, Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books
October 25 – My Fiction Nook, Nautical Star Books, Lelyana’s Book Blog
October 27 – Bayou Book Junkie, Making It Happen, Wicked Faerie’s Tales & Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, OMG Reads, MM Good Book Reviews, Wicked Reads

About Author

V.L. Locey

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and two Jersey steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.

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