Review Tour & Giveaway: How to Save a Life by Eli Easton

15 September of 2017 by

How to Save a Life by Eli Easton width=

How to Save a Life By Eli Easton


Genre: Paranormal, Romance, GLBTQ, MM, Shifter, Dog

Released: August 28, 2017

Publisher: Self-Published

Series: Howl at the Moon, Book 4

Cover Design: Reese Dante


Rav Miller looked into the terrified, intelligent eyes of the chocolate Labrador on death row, and knew he’d do anything to save him. When the dog, Sammy, escapes and heads to Mad Creek, Rav follows. Mad Creek. The town had become legendary in Rav’s mind after he’d met that bizarre group last year. Rav dismissed his crazy suspicions back then, but when he arrives in Mad Creek, he knows it’s true. Dog shifters exist, and apparently they all live in the California mountains. It’s enough to blow a bad boy’s mind.

Sammy has something in common with Rav—neither one of them trusts people. After Sammy’s abuse as a dog, he particularly dislikes tough-looking men like Rav. But when Sammy gets a chance to work with rescued dogs at the new Mad Creek shelter, his deep compulsion to help others overcomes his fear. Rav and Sammy bond over saving strays. If they can each find the courage to let someone else in, they might find their way to love.

Sheriff Lance Beaufort doesn’t like humans moving into Mad Creek, especially not the tattooed and defiant Rav. When Rav starts a rescue shelter, the town thinks he’s wonderful! But Lance isn’t fooled. He doesn’t buy Rav’s innocent act for one second. How much does Rav know about the quickened? What is his game? And why did he have to show up now, when Lance and the other town leaders are overwhelmed by all the new quickened pouring in?

Rav knows how to save a life. But can he save an entire town? Can he rescue Mad Creek?

80,000 words


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Review coming soon.

I was supposed to post a review for How to Save a Life today, September 15, 2017. Unfortunately, a little storm (sarcasm) called Irma hit Florida over the past weekend. It was the first bad hurricane for me since I moved to Florida four years ago and it played havoc with my reading and reviewing schedule. Fortunately, my home suffered only minor damage.I wanted to go ahead and get this post up because I committed to do it and because there is a giveaway. I wanted any followers of this blog to have a chance to enter.

Things will get back to “normal” for me eventually. In the meantime, good luck with the giveaway and take time to check out some of the other blogs to read reviews for the book.


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Howl at the Moon by Eli Easton

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August 30 – OMG Reads, RJ Scott
September 4 – Hoards Jumble
September 8 – V’s Reads

About Author

Eli Easton

Eli Easton has been at various times and under different names a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, a game designer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a fan fiction writer, an organic farmer, and a long-distance walker. She began writing m/m romance in 2013 and has published 27 books since then. She hopes to write many more.

As an avid reader of such, she is tickled pink when an author manages to combine literary merit, vast stores of humor, melting hotness, and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story. She promises to strive to achieve most of that most of the time. She currently lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with her husband, two bulldogs, several cows, and a cat. All of them (except for the husband) are female, hence explaining the naked men that have taken up residence in her latest fiction writing.

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