Release Blitz / Giveaway / Review: The New Wolf by RJ Scott

19 January of 2017 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Exciting shifter story!

The New Wolf by RJ Scott

The New Wolf By RJ Scott

Genre: Paranormal Romance, GLBTQ, M/M

Released: January 17, 2017

Publisher: Love Lane Books Ltd

Series: Building The Pack, Book 1


After a hate crime leaves one of them near dead, Veterinarian, Josh Nolan and Cop, Connor Vincent are starting a new life in Black Creek, a remote town on the edge of the Green Mountains Park, Vermont.

Josh is taking over his grandfather’s practice and Connor settles into working in the sheriff’s office covering the area.

When Connor pieces together a whole list of unsolved crimes going back fifty years he puts his life, and that of his partners, in danger.

A dangerous lone wolf is intent on destroying the beginnings of a pack and when Connor is attacked and near death there is only one thing that can save him. A wolf shifter’s bite.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Exciting shifter story!

This is the first shifter story I’ve read by R. J. Scott and I loved it. It’s a short novella but it sure packs a punch.Connor and Josh moved to the country so that Josh could take over his grandfather’s veterinary practice. Connor was a detective before they moved and now he’s a deputy sheriff – quite a change from the fast-paced job he was used to.

Josh is concerned that Connor isn’t happy in their new home and when he begins acting strangely Josh fears that it may be the end of their relationship.

This book really hit me with lots of feels. Josh really cares for his animal patients and this comes through in RJ’s engaging prose. You can also feel the love between Josh and Connor and then the concern with first one and then the other is injured.

The storyline for Connor and Josh is resolved in The New Wolf but there are some very interesting secondary characters that will get books of their own and I am really looking forward to reading them.



O Factor: Scorcher

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Howls in the distance echoed through the trees. There are more? This wasn’t going to be a fight. This was a pack hunt and he needed to get the hell down to the car. With no further thought, he leaped to his feet and ran with every ounce of energy he had and tumbled headlong into the dark, hoping to hell he was heading the right way. The sounds behind him defied description, snarling, growling, and the noise of something crashing through the undergrowth and it was getting closer with each step.He wasn’t going to make it back to Josh. He was going to die here in this place, and he would be the next death on the unsolved crimes list. Panic made him stumble and with inevitability coursing through him, he simply curled into a ball. The wolf was on him and tore at his thigh, then clamped his teeth around Connor’s arm, shaking him like a chew toy. When Connor was thrown clear, the wolf lazily padded over, his teeth exposed in a fearsome snarl. Connor waved the stick, but the wolf merely used a huge paw to push the stick and the hand to the floor, then used its weight to pin Connor.

Connor wriggled and tried to move, but there was nothing he could do. Teeth glinted in the dark, then the wolf clamped them on Connor’s shoulder. The pain was incredible and he could feel his flesh tearing. Then nothing as the wolf shook him and released him. Connor moved back, his vision tinged with red. Blood ran freely from the tear in his shoulder, and he knew he was going to die.

A second wolf joined them, leaping into the space between the first and Connor. There was a standoff. Connor wasn’t sure what he was watching, but when a third and fourth wolf joined the crowd and stood between him and his attacker, it was clear he was being protected. The large killer wolf snarled and snapped, then in an instant, he ran.

Connor closed his eyes. The pain was too much and he was bleeding out. Voices sounded above him. Angry and snappy, they argued.

“Fuck, he needs help.”

“We can’t take him anywhere.”

“We’re going to lose him.”

“I need to do this.”

“You can’t. He hasn’t made the choice.”

“You want me to leave him to die?”

That last voice was familiar. Connor blinked and opened his eyes. Through the blur of blood, he thought he saw the guy from the alleyway, Tiber, and the sheriff were there? What the hell was going on? He didn’t understand.

“You can’t.”

“You gonna stop me?”

A wolf stood over him. Beautiful, brindled dark and black with green gold eyes. When the wolf bared his teeth and sunk them into Connor’s throat, his last thoughts were of Josh.

Josh, I’m not supposed to die without being able to say goodbye.
“Come find me, city boy, when you wake up.”

Wake up? He was dying. He couldn’t breathe.

He wished Josh could hold his hand as he died.



About Author

RJ Scott is the bestselling author of over one hundred romance books. She writes emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, millionaire, princes, and the partners who get mixed up in their lives. RJ is known for writing books that always end with a happy ever after. She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.

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