The evening is drawing in and we have in fact done exactly what Nico wanted, we have spent the day naked and in bed. The sex has been off the charts I can feel my body humming with content and satisfaction, I think we have both dozed in and out of sleep but I know I’ll get fidgety if I don’t do something.
“C’mon babe, I need to do something.” I nudge Nico, he’s lying on his stomach with his hands under the pillow, I know he’s not sleeping but he’s not far away. “Nicky, come on let’s go out to eat.”
Lifting his head up I laugh at the scowl crossing his face.
“Really? You want to go out, what happened to naked day?” Lifting his head from the pillow just to check if I’m messing with him.

Seconds later I’m out and walk into my bedroom still drying my skin, looking up to see him sitting in my bed with a pillow behind him as he leans against the wooden head board, my mouth goes dry. “You look good there lover.”
“You don’t look too bad either. So are you going to stand there ogling me or are you going to help with do something with this?” His hand pushes the duvet down from his stomach giving me a perfect view of his hard dick.

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