Crazy, Sexy, Laugh Out Loud Fun!
What happens when you wake up in a hotel suite next to a gorgeous naked man with absolutely no memory of the past twelve hours?I guess it’s true what they say. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.Or at least I hope it stays here. The Romantic Style convention was meant to be a weekend of raucous fun with friends, sun, and enough poolside margaritas to forget about my ex. But now, instead of meeting my fans and signing books, I’m stuck with cocky divorce lawyer Nate Wexler. He’s arrogant, infuriating, and I can’t keep my hands off of him. Judging by the state of our hotel room, last night was wild. I just wish I could remember it.
A pair of matching tattoos. A cheap wedding veil. Half an empty box of glow in the dark condoms.
What the hell just happened?
Reviewed by Deb
Crazy, Sexy, Laugh Out Loud Fun!
My first encounter with Lila Monroe was when I read her super sexy, wonderfully witty book, Rugged. I adored that book! So naturally I was glad to see she had a new book hitting the shelves or air waves such as it is. I must admit, the premise for Get Lucky worried me. I rolled my eyes and thought…Not another drunken marriage in Vegas scenario. And then I started reading. And then my husband was asking me what the heck was making me laugh and giggle like an idiot. Holy drunken hijinks, this book is funny! And so much more. It’s wacky, over-the-top hilarious, and it’s whew boy, HOT! It also makes some very astute observations about human behavior that will have you nodding your head. As far as I’m concerned, Ms. Monroe could rewrite the back of a Betty Crocker cake mix box and make it entertaining. She has a gift for writing outrageous, creative scenes. Get Lucky has a plethora of such scenes, which are totally believable since the story takes place in… Vegas, baby!
Get Lucky is fabulously narrated from both Julia’s and Nate’s point of view. It’s fun going back and forth between these two since both of them have a LOT of opinions. Which, I’m happy to say, transform for the better during the course of this story. The goofy, innuendo-laced things Julia says out loud as well as to herself reveal her personality perfectly. She’s a romance writer, in Vegas for a romance writer’s convention. Her bestie, Shanna, is with her, as well as her shamelessly saucy, cigarette smoking, 50-something, dressed to the nines, agent who reminds me of Mata Hari with the personality of Anna Wintour…sexy and scary as shit but mesmerizing nonetheless. I think I’d like to see a book about this Meredith! But I’m getting off topic. SO…Julia is still feeling the effects of a nasty divorce. Some men just can’t handle their wives suddenly becoming more successful than they are. Hmm, funny that these guys are perfectly fine with demanding a wack of money from said wife as a settlement. Bastards. This Vegas jaunt is supposed to be Julia’s first opportunity to put the memory of douchebag behind her and find a fling. As luck would have it, she meets the perfect fling in the form of Nate. Okay, he’s a bit standoffish. And kind of a jerk. But his BFF, Mike, is there to get married and Mike’s fiancee is a huge fan of Julia’s books. Which leads to Julia getting swept up in the wedding party’s prenuptial celebrations. Which leads to a lot of drinking. And getting swept away by an equally liquored up Nate.
Stick-up-the-butt Nate seems like a real party pooper with his scowly face, and snarky, lawyerly (he’s a lawyer IRL) comments. But after a few too many Macallan’s and tequilas, he’s a changed man. It’s like he’s had a personality enema! Nate’s inhibitions fall off like Post-It notes on a Jello mold. He’s on board for anything Julia suggests, legal or not. And this girl has some wild suggestions! He’s having the best time he’s had in…forever. And he’s rethinking his stance on romance books and their authors. I looooved Nate! This hottie gets even more delicious once he loosens up some. Okay, a lot. He’s tied himself down pretty tight. Seeing this starched collar let loose was loads of fun. But the best part is that Ms. Monroe doesn’t descend into the ridiculous. Even though Nate is often drunk off his butt he still has some of the most lucid inner dialogues going on. Granted, they’re sprinkled with drunken giggly bits, but this is where we get to see the real Nate. This is the guy he’s been holding hostage. And clever girl Julia has him figured out. Until she gets sober and thinks too much.
Get Lucky is wacky romance at its best, and Lila Monroe is a Sorceress of Creativity! Nate and Julia take us on a scavenger hunt as they follow the clues throughout Vegas, hoping to discover just what the hell happened during the course of the last 12 or so hours. It’s one zany adventure after another, and I loved every minute of it.
O Factor: Scorcher

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