The feel of an erection pressing into me roused me from my sleep. Instinctively, I pushed back against it, enjoying the way the large length felt against my ass. “Mmm,” I murmured in pleasure, still half-asleep.
I was met with a husky sound of pleasure, making my eyes snap open.
Holy shit! There’s a man in my bed.
I slowly turned to look over my shoulder and gasped. Kamden was snuggled up behind me, his arm draped over my torso.
What the fuck happened last night?
He shifted forward, pushing his erection against me again. My eyes fluttered closed and I bit my lip, missing the feel of a man after so long.
Focus! You barely know this guy and he somehow ended up in your bed.
I nudged his arm. “Hey.”
He stirred, but didn’t wake up.
I repeated my action, but harder. “Hey, wake up!”
His eyes flew open, and he blinked several times before focusing on my face. His eyes widened in an “oh shit” expression. “Hey.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “What are you doing in my bed?”
We were both still dressed, so I assumed that we hadn’t had sex. I even had shorts on, and I normally slept in just my panties.
He looked embarrassed, and scooted back so that we weren’t pressed against each other. Clearing his throat, he responded, “You came to the meeting drunk last night. I tried to call you a cab, but you insisted I bring you home. Then, you wanted me to stay until you fell asleep, and I, uh, guess we both fell asleep.”
I quirked an eyebrow at him. “So, we didn’t have sex?”
A grin lifted the corner of his sexy mouth. “No.”
I exhaled a sigh of relief. “Good.”
Kamden’s smile fell, and I immediately felt bad for what I’d said. “Not that you’re unattractive or anything … I mean, you’re really hot, it’s just I, um, I barely know you, and—“
Kamden held up his hand and chuckled. “Say no more. I get it.” He looked at his watch and his eyes widened. “Shit, I gotta go. I’m gonna be late for work.”
He threw the covers off him and scrambled out of bed. He rushed to the door, then looked back at me. “Sorry if I scared you. I promise I didn’t take advantage of you or anything.”
A smile curved my lips. “It’s cool. See you later?” He grinned widely. “I’d like that.”
Then, he was gone. I heard my front door close, and I fell back into bed, releasing a dreamy sigh. Closing my eyes, the smile still hadn’t left my face when I drifted back to sleep.

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