Another rockin’ read!
Camp Alien By Gini Koch
SyFy / Superhero with Romantic elements
Released May 3, 2016
Publisher: Daw
Series: Katherine “Kitty” Katt, Book 13
The President and First Lady, aka Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini, don’t get any downtime once the Mastermind has been revealed to the world. Not only do they have myriad high-level government positions to fill, but the scrutiny and pressure on this Administration has gone into overdrive.
The sudden reappearance of a minor adversary long-forgotten turns out to be the tip of the iceberg. New robots and androids attacking in various ways, old enemies making new alliances, and new aliens with interesting abilities almost overshadow the fact that the U.S. still has to host a peace summit at Camp David between Israel and Iraq. It’s clear that while the Mastermind may be down, there are plenty of others ready to do their best to take his place — and all that stands between them and success are Kitty and Company.
Kidnappings, rescues, creepy hideouts, a hidden black site, and a domestic dispute that could end Jeff and Kitty’s marriage are nothing compared to finding not one but two hidden labs where dangerous and deadly things are happening.
But when the President and his entourage finally get to the peace talks, things are no better. Mossad is concerned that something’s wrong with their Prime Minister and the President of Iraq both, and they’re not wrong. A hidden in-control superbeing, an android replacement, and an army of Fem-Bots turn the peace talks into a Battle Royale that the team — and everyone else — might not actually survive. And if they don’t make it, Earth won’t make it, either.
But no pressure.
Reviewed by Jean
Another rockin’ read!
Warning: Do not start reading this book when you are at the end of your day and so very exhausted. You can kiss sleep goodbye if you do. Well, that is what happened to me at any rate. I had already had a sixteen hour day of work well before I picked up the book. Well, there went any sleep until I had turned the last page in the book and lest you should ask, Camp Alien is not a short read. Still, I simply couldn’t put it down. I should have known better before I opened the darn thing to begin with because it’s not like this is the first of Gini Koch’s books I’ve read. It’s not even the first in the series. I already know that I’m prone to fall into her books and get totally lost in the world of her characters. Camp Alien was no exception.With the Mastermind unmasked to the public and a good number of the US government’s top officials and just a few allies the victim of his latest bout of foul play, Jeff Martini is now the President… leaving Kitty in the precarious and forever unwanted and unenviable position as FLOTUS.
“On the supposedly plus side, this has left my alien husband the new President of the United States, which makes me the First Lady. The fact that I keep on being shoved into these public-facing positions where everyone knows I’m going to blow it and yet still acts totally surprised when I do is just the way the cosmos amuses itself, at least insofar as I can tell.”
One of the things I really love about this series is the way that Ms. Koch keeps dumping Kitty into these positions that are so at cross-purposes to her in your face, outspoken, rocker fangirl persona. If there is one thing that will forever be true of Kitty… she is in no way the quiet, shy and always put together diplomat. Rather she is the unflappable, always prepared heroine of the people whether human or otherwise. While her position may require suits and baubles she’ll always be most comfortable in her converses, jeans and Aerosmith t-shirts. She may have learned to bite her tongue at times but she can still be counted on for her sarcasm and whit. Let’s just say, Kitty is good at calling a spade a spade. She’s also damned good at turning a potential enemy to an ally and recruiting the best of the best. Even better she has an uncanny ability to get into the mindset of the evil megalomaniacs and find a way to save the day.
I’m not even going to try and recite the plot of Camp Alien. The blurb does a pretty darn good job of that. What the blurb can’t tell you is how fun the ride is. It can’t tell you how your emotions will be jerked from one extreme to another as the action flies. It can’t tell you about all the amazing and wonderful secondary characters you’ll love. Once again Kitty and her besties will be thrown into one dangerous situation after another. The bad guys will be coming from multiple directions in an uncoordinated attempt to climb to the top of the baddies in the Mastermind’s absence. Lest you wonder “where’s the romance?” It’s definitely sprinkled throughout…
Jeff was the God of Kissing and there was something arousingly illicit about kissing in the White House when we had a million high-level people waiting on us all over the place.
Jeff’s lips and tongue owned mine as always, and also as always, I was ready to go for doing the deed right here, right now, meetings and intrigue be damned.
He ended our kiss slowly, eyes smoldering. “I’d love to do exactly what you want, baby. But duty calls.”
“I’m so sick of duty.”
Jeff laughed and hugged me. “Me too. But we have to do it anyway.”
“Yeah, I’m clear that missing getting to have sex every hour on the hour is our lot in life. Doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it.”
He grinned. “Always nice to know that your laser focus on the priorities remains intact.”
“Every minute of every day, Jeff.”
He nuzzled my head. “Right back atcha, baby. Now, let’s get to the next vital meeting and interrogation.”
And like any rockstar fangirl with totally inappropriate musings…
…my mind wandered as it so frequently did. And it wandered to its favorite wandering place—thinking about where Jeff and I could have sex in this place.
Our new bedroom was obvious, and the kids’ rooms were out completely. But there were a lot of other options. Made the decision that doing it in the Oval Office had to be Job One. Figured I could not possibly have been the first person to have thought of this, but had no way of asking how well cleaned the furniture was, at least not without giving Antoinette a heart attack. Oh well, I’d just have to risk it in the name of science and all that jazz.
Needless to say, I totally love Kitty’s irreverent lapses. I think one of the things I love about this series, in spite of the fact that it isn’t a romance is the fact that Ms. Koch doesn’t forget to add the romantic element throughout. It certainly makes for well-rounded characters. As always I’m pumped and waiting for the release of Alien Nation, the next book in the Katherine “Kitty” Katt series. In the meantime, I’ve discovered Ms. Koch has a few other books in her repertoire so I’ll be diving into their pages as soon as possible.
O Factor: Spicy
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Touched by an Alien, Book 1
Marketing manager Katherine “Kitty” Katt had just finished a day on jury duty. When she stepped out of the Pueblo Caliente courthouse, all she was thinking about was the work she had to get caught up on. Then her attention was caught by a fight between a couple that looked like it was about to turn ugly. But ugly didn’t even begin to cover it when the “man” suddenly transformed into a huge, winged monster right out of a grade Z science fiction movie and went on a deadly killing spree. In hindsight, Kitty realized she probably should have panicked and run screaming the way everyone around her was doing. Instead, she sprinted into action to take down the alien.
In the middle of all the screeching and the ensuing chaos, a hunk in an Armani suit suddenly appeared beside her, introduced himself as Jeff Martini with “the agency,” and then insisted on leading her to a nearby limo to talk to his “boss.” And that was how Kitty’s new life among the aliens began…Touched by an Alien is the thrilling first installment of the Alien novels.
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Alien Tango, Book 2
For Alien Super-Being Exterminator Katherine “Kitty” Katt, anti-alien conspiracies, threats from outer space, and a couple of killer alligators are all in a day’s work. It’s been five months since Kitty joined Centaurion Division, working with the aliens from Alpha Centauri. She and Jeff Martini have grown closer and life looks rosy. But when an experimental spacecraft is unexpectedly returned to the Kennedy Space Center, Kitty and the rest of Alpha Team are called on to investigate and are immediately embroiled in life-or-death situations that scream “political conspiracy.”
The team must survive murderous attacks, deal with a mysterious space entity that has seized control of a group of astronauts, and evade a woman who’ll do anything to eliminate the competition when she develops an obsessive crush on Kitty’s old high school boyfriend. And that’s all before the evil masterminds decide Kitty’s extermination is vital…
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Alien in the Family, Book 3
Planning any wedding is hard enough, but Katherine “Kitty” Katt and Jeff Martini have a lot more to worry about than seating arrangements, because multiple inter-stellar invasions, Alpha Team in mortal peril, and inter-alien conspiracies are all on the guest list—and the gifts they’ve brought contain some explosive surprises.
The discovery that Martini is actually a member of the Alpha Centaurion Royal Family brings additional bad news—emissaries are on their way to see if Kitty’s royal bride material. And they’re not the only things coming from the Alpha Centauri system. Amazonian assassins, spies, alien beasties, shape-shifters, and representatives from the Planetary Council, combined with a tabloid reporter who’s a little too on the mark, create a deadly situation for Kitty and the rest of Alpha Team. When the assassins strike far too close to home for anyone’s comfort, Kitty realizes it’s going to come down to more than throwing a bouquet—she’s going to have to face an entire planetary consciousness and dethrone a monarch in order to make it to the church on time…
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Alien Proliferation, Book 4
After the wildest wedding ever, Katherine “Kitty” Katt-Martini and her Alpha Centaurion husband Jeff are hoping life will settle down. But alien attacks are on the increase, and someone is testing a dangerous new drug on unwilling subjects within their group. As if that’s not enough, they discover that their newborn’s talents are off the charts—and the bad guys want their baby.
The last thing anyone in Centaurion Division needs after that is a conspiracy to kill the heads of the C.I.A.’s Extra-Terrestrial Division and the Presidential Terrorism Control Unit, otherwise known as Charles Reynolds and Kitty’s mother, Angela Katt. Then, suddenly, key members of Alpha and Airborne start vanishing. Can Kitty, her remaining team members, friends old and new, and a totally unexpected new partner rescue everyone and figure out why Kitty’s become a superhuman? Most importantly, can they pull it all off before the event Kitty dreads most—her Alpha Centaurion baby shower?
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Alien Diplomacy, Book 5
Being newlyweds and new parents is challenging enough. But nothing’s ever easy for Jeff and Kitty-Katt Martini, particularly not when they have to switch from being super-being exterminators and Commanders in Centaurion Division to mastering the political landscape as the new heads of American Centaurion’s Diplomatic Corps.
Kitty’s brand of diplomacy and lobbying isn’t quite as smooth as Jeff’s—but when a shadowy assassination plot and a new set of anti-alien conspirators are identified, Kitty’s the diplomat for the job—in between “Mommy and Me,” “Diplomacy for Beginners,” and the dreaded “Washington Wife” classes. Armed with only their wits, and dressed to kill, it’s up to Kitty and the Diplomatic Corps to stop the bad guys from unleashing mayhem on all the world’s leaders. But will Kitty trust the right people, at the right times, or will going her own way prove deadly—not just to her, but to her daughter, Jamie?
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Alien vs. Alien, Book 6
Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini and the rest of the American Centaurion Diplomatic Corps are still recovering from their introduction to Washington D.C. politics, parties, and conspiracies. New worries in the form of evil androids running amok, birds of all kinds and from all places creating havoc, a Senator trapped in an ever-tightening web of intrigue, and escalating international tensions all seem tough but manageable.
But the disappearance of Jeff Martini and Charles Reynolds during the International One World Festival signals more than the usual nastiness—and it looks like even ACE can’t help them. Then more trouble arrives, and even with the best hackers in the world, the full might of Earth’s military, and the Wonder Twins on their side, Centaurion Division’s outmanned . Now Kitty’s racing against the clock to find not only Jeff and Chuckie, but to keep the peace between Middle Eastern countries, all while searching for the bases of super-soldier operations—to stop them or die trying.
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Alien in the House, Book 7
Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini have learned the ins and outs of Washington politics, not to mention how to prevail in intergalactic war and foil dangerous plots. So when the newly elected Representative from New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District dies under mysterious circumstances while at the Centaurion Embassy, it’s up to Kitty and the rest of the Diplomatic Corps to fstop the killer, before the rest of the U.S. House of Representatives become casualties, particularly the replacement Representative for New Mexico’s 2nd District—Jeff Martini.
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Alien Research, Book 8
When rumors of a new super-drug surface, the FBI comes to Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini for help. It becomes quickly apparent that the drug is merely the tip of a deadly iceberg and a much more insidious plan is underway involving Titan Security, Gaultier Enterprises, and YatesCorp.
As newly discovered A-Cs and hybrids begin to surface, each with expanded and deadly talents, more and more signs point to a new evil genius who’s using the A-Cs and their enemies both as guinea pigs. Then Area 51 and the Dulce Science Center go silent while Alpha Team, Airborne, and most of the worldwide A-C Security team are there for training. And if that’s not bad enough, Centaurion Division is hit with more bad, and deadly, news: Chernobog the Ultimate, isn’t a hacker myth, he’s a real person — and he’s on the bad guys’ side.
Now Kitty and company must find the real Dr. Feelgood and stop him or her before the latest version of Surcenthumain hits the streets and more people they love are harmed, or worse. But when the inconceivable happens, Kitty’s focused on two things only: reviving the ACE entity before their enemies realize Earth’s best protection isn’t actually active…and revenge.
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Alien Collective, Book 9
Despite not having run for office, nor wanting to remain in office, Representative Jeff Martini is being wooed as the vice presidential running mate for a charismatic senator who seems likely to win the campaign. While the Diplomatic Corps has to deal with the pressures of a political campaign sure to uncover secrets they don’t want shared with the world, Ambassador Kitty Katt-Martini has other worries—handling the reemergence of her most potent nemesis, thought dead and buried.
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Universal Alien, Book 10
Universal Alien is the tenth installment in Gini Koch’s action-packed and hilarious Alien series and the thrilling follow-up to Alien Collective.
The process of saving her planet – yet again – is violently interrupted when Kitty is thrown into an alternate reality.
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Alien Separation, Book 11
Life’s never easy…
The Mastermind has finally been identified, but before Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini can take him down, they, their daughter Jamie, Charles Reynolds, Paul Gower, Christopher White, and several others are zapped out of their solar system and into another.
Landing in scattered groups on various areas of Beta Eight in the Alpha Centauri system means getting the team back together will be a major issue. But it’s only one of the challenges they’ll face. Kitty and Company have to forge alliances with the wide variety of sentient natives on the planet while plotting to create a civil war and overthrow the king — who just may be a clone of one of their bitterest enemies, Ronaldo Al Dejahl.
Of course, to do this, they have to overcome an assortment of dangerous obstacles, protect a group of refugees, take mind reading lessons, and seek out unexpected new allies as they journey to the Centerpoint of the World.
And once they reach the All Seeing Mountain, new issues and surprises await. Because there’s more than a small war going on — they’re in the midst of the Alpha Centauri Civil War!
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Alien in Chief, Book 12
As Kitty can tell you, it’s not easy being the wife of the vice president—especially not when he’s an alien from the Alpha Centauri system. But she and her A-C husband, Jeff, have learned how to roll with whatever life and the bad guys throw at them—they think.
When the Alpha Centauri Planetary Council requests a visit with the president and vice president, things look politically dicey. When the most dangerous prisoners in the most secure supermax prison escape with ease, things look bad. But when the Mastermind releases a virus that kills people in a week, things go to Defcon Worse fast.
Now it’s up to Kitty to save everyone important in the U.S. government—including her mother, her husband, and herself—before the virus spreads through the rest of the country, and then the world. Plus she’s facing invisible attackers, crazed assassins, a teenager in hiding, the most dangerous train ride ever, the disappearance of her beloved flyboys, and a mysterious alien who could be an enemy or the ally she needs.
And this time, the Mastermind’s made it very personal. Either he’s going down…or Kitty is.
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Alien Nation, Book 14
Coming December 6, 2016!
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Gini Koch writes the fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series. Touched by an Alien, Book 1 in the Alien series, was named by Booklist as one of the Top Ten Adult SF/F novels of 2010. Alien in the House, Book 7 in her long-running Alien series, won the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award as the Best Futuristic Romance of 2013.
As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series and she’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch
Gini also has stories featured in a variety of anthologies, including the Unidentified Funny Objects 3, Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens, and Two Hundred and Twenty-One Baker Streets anthologies; writing as Anita Ensal, in The Book of Exodi, Love and Rockets, and Boondocks Fantasy anthologies; and, writing as J.C. Koch, in Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters, The Madness of Cthulhu, Vol. 1, and A Darke Phantastique anthologies. She will also have stories in the X-Files: Trust No One, Temporally Out of Order, Timeless Tales, MECH: Age of Steel, Unidentified Funny Objects 4, and Out of Tune 2 anthologies coming in 2015.

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