“I felt every thing that Tyler and Mia felt. Every up and down, every smile, every tear, every laugh and every anger. This book literally ripped my heart out, put it in a heavy duty blender on high and then pieced it back together again. I love second chance books and this one just moved to the top of that list.” ~Tabitha (Amazeballs Book Reviews)
“I am falling hard for the Cook brothers each one seems to be better. I loved Taylor but Tyler is giving him a run for his money. I also enjoyed Mia’s spirit and determination.” ~Melinda (Twinsie Talk Book Reviews)

Amazon bestselling author of the Second Chances series and the Shattered Trilogy, Heather D’Agostino writes contemporary and new adult romance set in Boston, New York, and North Carolina. Heather has always enjoyed creative writing, but never pursued it as a career option. Born and raised in Harrisburg, NC she received a BA in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. After teaching for six years, she decided to leave the profession to be a stay-at-home mom. After finding the world of Fan Fiction, Heather decided to “get her feet wet” in the literary world. With much encouragement and inspiration from the Fan Fiction world, she made the decision to publish her work. Heather prides herself in the fact that her books have real life situations with believable characters. These characters could be your best friend or your next door neighbor. Her first book, Unbreak Me, has been welcomed with open arms into the self-published community giving her the encouragement needed to continue to pursue this dream. Heather currently lives in Syracuse, NY with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats. She enjoys spending time with her family, watching sports, and playing chauffeur for all her children’s activities. You can follow Heather at www.facebook.com/H.DAgostino.Author or follow her on twitter @hdagostino001. Wanna make sure you don’t miss any news? Sign up for H. D’Agostino’s newsletter at http://hdagostinobooks.weebly.com/

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