Release Blitz / Review: Dawning by Brianna West

30 April of 2016 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

Wickedly perverse, scintillatingly pleasing!



Synopsis Red

Izzy and Lucas have been through quite the ordeal over the last year: chased down by demons, hunted by Dark angels, and sought after by a sadistic, gorgeous mother-in-law. Now they’re back, and there’s a lot of loose ends to tie up. Like the army of juiced up toddlers, the flamboyant villain, and the sociopathic Mother Dearest. Not to mention, it’s now their sole duty to seek the help of the seven kings in the In-Between realm, which sounds easier than it is.

Dawning follows Izzy as she is once again the woman of the hour, the woman who can bring the realms together, the woman with that special something-something that everyone, including her vindictive, crazy mother-in-law, are working tirelessly to capture. Being special never felt like so much work. Saving the world was never something Izzy planned to do, but she’ll have to if she doesn’t want the mortal world to end, or any others for that matter.

Reviewed by Jean


Wickedly perverse, scintillatingly pleasing!


Brianna West captured me with her debut of Awakening.  She held me enthralled with Metamorphosis and Victor.  Now I find myself once again under her spell with Dawning.  While I definitely love all of her hot guardians I have to tell you it’s Izzy that really burrows deep and tickles the funny bone.  I absolutely love her quirky sense of humor.  Her perversity.  Her total shoot from the hip attitude.  As the books progress her powers continue to awaken and grow exponentially.  She has become someone to be reckoned with.  Even so, all the power in the world won’t take away from an alpha male’s protective tendencies when it comes to the woman he loves.  And, ok, perhaps it’s a good thing Lucas is just a bit protective of Izzy.  This woman seems to be the quintessential magnet for people and beings out to kill her.  When they aren’t trying to kill her they are trying to hit on her.  So when you aren’t sitting on the edge of your seat with the danger and action you’ll be rocking from laughter at the inept idiots making a pass at Izzy.
And Izzy the Vampire Slayer was going on holiday to a scary realm with two hunks that loved to fight over her when she’d rather just stay here; fight vampires; eat donuts; save the world in a normal way rather than go on some realm-wide crusade to enlist the help of six kings that could very well imprison her, or worse.
The majority of Dawning takes place in the in-between realm, a realm populated with sprites, pixies, dragons and any number of other beings and creatures.  Izzy and her guardians are on a quest to gain the support of the six kingdoms in their fight against Mommy Dearest… or Lucas’ very evil mother as the case might be.  The challenge… three of the kingdoms have rulers that appear to be under the influence of a witch and have become quite unstable.  Luckily the heirs are prime to take over their kingdoms and could prove to be major assets in the war.  Their first prince of promise is Sadin.  While Sadin is definitely a possible ally, he’s a major PITA.  Arrogant and self-centered, Sadin thinks he’s God’s gift to women.  Then there is Yaniv, who asks what’s in it for him.  Finally, we have Halgar, the Silver Giant who sets off Izzy’s spidey senses with his disdain and general dislike.  Along the way they’ll have to deal with pesky dragons, hordes of demons and treachery.  Life is always a challenge for Izzy.  Even when she comes home for visits she’s confronted with missions and training that push the limits of controlling her new powers.
They were awesome! Sci-fi awesome! Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon awesome! But they gave me pause. I didn’t know how my power would play into my attacks, and honestly, I was a little worried I might hurt the head honchos’ wife. I’m pretty sure that would result in a punishment of never-ending exercise. I’d be deprived of donuts for the rest of my life. I’d be banned from sweets. Wouldn’t even be allowed to look at them. I’d be tortured slowly with healthy food. Victor would turn me into a vegetarian against my will and make me eat vegetables for the rest of my days. I shivered at the prospects of my punishment

Dawning not only introduces new allies from the realm but also introduces Izzy to Victor’s new Cor Vocanti, Lilly and a new team member, Malakai, or Teddy Bear as Izzy likes to affectionately call him.  With all the danger and intrigue, Izzy still finds time for plenty of sexy times with Lucas.  Life wouldn’t be so worth living without the close calls with death and the love of your soul mate.  A very engaging read, I couldn’t put Dawning down.  While I know this series was originally supposed to be a trilogy it looks like Ms. West has at least one more in store for us in the Promiscus Guardians series.  I sure hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next installment.  If you are as enamored of good PNR as I am, you’re really going to enjoy these.


O Factor: Scorcher



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My foot slipped on tile as I was pushed inside the steamed up glass box. The skin of my back pressed up against ice-cold granite, triggering my spine to curve as I gasped sharply.“That’s fucking cold!”

Lucas didn’t give me long to complain. His looming form, which was glistening with water over golden flesh and drool-worthy definition, was pressing my naked form forcibly into the cold granite, molding me to it. Water sprayed over us, wetting down our bodies as Lucas leaned all the way down, capturing my lips and sliding his hot tongue into my mouth. My hands grasped around his much-too-large biceps, eating into the flesh and anchoring myself to him.

He was so goddamn hot; I’d catch fire.

I slid along the surface of the wall as Lucas cupped the backside of my thighs and lifted me upwards in one fluid movement. My naked flesh fused with his, thighs clutching tightly to his trim, taut waist, clinging desperately.

My head fell back, knocking lightly against the hard stone wall, moan spilling from my lips. The delicious feeling between my legs, of my intoxicating beau’s hard length pressed against my moist one, flushed warmth into my lower belly. I rolled my hips, feeling the velvety, soft flesh of him and seeking more of it. I wanted him so badly I was panting for it. Moaning for it.

“Lucas,” I rasped as his muscled frame continued to imprison me to the wall.

Dark eyes shining with his increasing desire, Lucas restrained my joined wrists above my head, scraping his fingers down to my breast and kneading it with his large palm. His mouth dominated mine again, entwining our tongues in a heated battle that stole the air from my lungs. Then, he took my breast into his mouth, mouthing it roughly, then rolling the hard nub between his teeth. I inhaled sharply, head turning away as I panted greedily at the air, vision speckled with black dots at the intensity of his touch, his heat. His large hand coursed over the length of my abdomen. Fingers skimmed over my wet sex, teasing it in small, deliberate swipes.

“Fuck,” I exhaled, moaning when his fingers pressed harder, surer, sliding up inside of me and curling to shoot fire through my thighs. My legs shook as I fought to keep them grappling tightly to his hips, keeping me airborne. “Oh god, Lucas.”

Lucas swallowed my cries as he consumed my mouth again, ravaging me silly. “We are unfortunately short on time.” His voice was gruff as he pressed his wet forehead against mine. “I want to savor you. Taste you until I am satisfied. Pleasure you until you can think of little else. However, we do not know when the others may return.”

















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Dawning’s Hot As Fire Release Event—April 30th, 2016


Hot prizes, even hotter authors, and plenty of fun to keep you reeling from Dawning’s release!

Books In The Series Red

Awakening by Brianna WestPromiscus Guardians Book One
Izzy is on the fast track to nowhere. Being ordinary really blew sometimes. That’s until she meets Lucas–a man that’s unlike anyone she’s ever met. Mostly because he isn’t actually a man. He is a supernatural creature that proclaims to police the Light and Dark in order to protect humans.And Izzy–well–she isn’t the human she thought she was. She is actually a supernatural being as well. And now Lucas is going to do everything in his power to find out what she is and protect her from the Dark lurking around the corner.Awakening follows Izzy as she navigates this new world of demons, vampires, angels, and many other supernatural creatures. Recruited by the Promiscus Guardians and partnering with the most brooding and devilishly handsome man she’s every met, Lucas, Izzy is suddenly knee-deep up crap creek. Discover the secret behind her power and why it’s such a commodity in her Awakening.



Metamorphosis by Brianna WestPromiscus Guardians Book Two
After managing to escape their last foe, Izzy and Lucas are back to face a new formidable villain that will test their strength, relationship, and even the collaboration of the incredibly powerful, entirely hilarious group of Promiscus Guardians.

Despite the odds stacking against them, Izzy maintains her diligence on honing her powers, delving deeper into her origins, and enjoying her incredibly delicious boss slash beau, Lucas.

A continuation of the Promiscus Guardians series, Metamorphosis delivers more fantastical creatures, a sordid amount of humor coupled with fast, incredibly riveting action. Mysteries are unraveled while more about the world Izzy lives in is unveiled in this highly anticipated addition.


VictorGuardians In Love Series Book One
Promiscus Guardians Spin-off series
Lilly Hughes, pureblood witch and Guardian-in-training, has worked arduously the last three years to become the best Guardian in her class in hopes of securing a position on Lucas Easton’s team, the highest coveted position in the Guardians and the team her late mother was a member of. However, she suffers from a dangerously clumsy nature that threatens to make that dream just that, a dream.

Until she meets Victor, supervising angel to Lucas Easton’s team and active member on the Promiscus Guardian council. He’s an angel with a gentlemanly demeanor and incredible looks that immediately turns her bad luck for good. Or does he? His gentle nature is hiding a dark secret, a past that Lilly has been desperate to know since she was told of how her mother perished in a mission.

What is Victor’s connection to it? How can she control these subsurface desires for the one man who might hold the key to her future and the secret behind her mother’s death? Will it ultimately lead to tragedy?

About the Author Red

Brianna West2

I am a mother of three, living in California, USA. I have always been an avid reader of romance, particularly the paranormal genre. However, in the last few years, I have taken a serious interest in writing my own versions of these worlds. I write mainly romance, mainly featuring paranormal, supernatural, and vampires. All of my stories have an element of humor. I want to create a world that my readers can really immerse themselves into as the main protagonist.



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