Release Blitz / Review / Giveaway: Hunter Forsaken by Nancy Corrigan

16 February of 2016 by

Reviewer's Rating : 5
5.0Overall score

Get ready for adventure, intrigue, action and romance



A vow to the dead…the mark of the Hunt…a love with one chance to survive.

In the slice of a moment, Ian Callahan lost everything he cared about—a deed done by his own hand. He awakens on the edge of sanity, chained in his own personal hell. He is to be the newest rider in the Wild Hunt, if he can learn to control the rage and guilt that consume him.

Then…a whiff of vanilla. The face of a lover he’s seen only in his dreams. He doesn’t know her name, only that she stirs the hungry beast within him.

For a millennium, Tegan and her sibling riders of the Wild Hunt were imprisoned, suffering under a curse meant for the Unseelie Court. Though her body is free, she carries the curse with her—and the additional burden of finally knowing the name of her destined mate. A human named Ian Callahan.

He’s her Trojan horse, the only one who can heal her heart. Just one last challenge stands in the way of claiming each other, once and for all. Failure means facing eternity the incomplete halves of a whole.

Warning: Contains a hero who’s more than just the total…package. And a daughter of the Underworld who thought she knew what Hell was…until she fell in love. Boundaries of monogamy pushed, pulled, stretched—but never broken.


Reviewed by Jean


Get ready for adventure, intrigue, action and romance


I love the backstory and world Nancy Corrigan has created for the Wild Hunt series. I mean come on you have gods, demigods, fae, demons, angels, wily deities that supercede even the gods, a well known myth, curses, eternal mates, action, adventure and romance. What more could you ask for? That being said even demigods and gods have issues with trust, whether it’s trusting others or learning to trust in themselves. Without that trust it’s hard to fully accept love when given or to give in return.

Such is the dilemma that confronts Tegan when she comes face-to-face with the man that has haunted her dreams and helped her maintain her sanity for the past three years. While every indication points to the fact that Ian is her mate, Tegan isn’t ready to trust another man, not after the last one she gave her heart to cheated on her at every turn. Were that not enough, Tegan has spent the last millennium in eternal suffering in order to maintain the gates of hell, a curse visited on her and her siblings, the hunters of the Wild Hunt. She and her brethren have only recently been released from their torment and some barely maintain their sanity while others are not so lucky. The world without the Wild Hunt has become more and more infested with the evil machinations of the fae and their work is cut out for them if they are to save the humans. Combine this with the manipulations of the gods and deities and life is rather uncertain on just who can be trusted. Every indication is that Ian is not what he appears, a human turned hunter. Nothing explains how they were able to connect in their dreams. But, as the pieces of the puzzle come together it’s very apparent they have been manipulated from the beginning. So, are the feelings they have for one another to be trusted. Can she trust the creature she discovers him to be? More importantly, can she trust herself to let go and love again?

Years ago, all of his family except Ian and his sister, Harley were brutally murdered by the Slaugh. He has spent the intervening years hunting the fae, burning their fairy rings and living the life of a two man army of retribution with his best friend Trevor. His dreams were filled with erotic fantasies of one woman. As much as he hungered for satisfaction and craved sex, no woman, in reality, could hold his interests. Not even his fiancée . Considering she had no intention of giving up her virginity it seemed a perfect match. That is until she came to the attention of the Slaugh. Then when things became dire, he was invited to join the ranks of the Huntsmen. His fiancée was killed and now his world is out of control. He has powers he can’t get a handle on. He’s on the verge of losing it and his one hope is Tegan, the woman he has fallen hopelessly in love with. The only problem is she isn’t jumping up and down to be with him. Now he’s finding out that life as he knows it has all been a charade. His origins are a mystery and finding out the answer could spell the doom to any hopes he has with Tegan. No matter, this is one man that no matter the temptation will remain steadfast and true.

If Tegan and Ian didn’t have enough challenges, they are fighting a ticking time bomb when it comes to the curse Tegan lives with. She has a limited time to discover the cure to her curse that could see her living a life of endless torment and every time she takes a step forward it seems to knock her back two. Hunter Forsaken is full of all the action and adventure you could want. The chemistry between Tegan and Ian is off the charts hot. It’s an emotional roller coaster ride that I thoroughly enjoyed. Call me nuts, but I really like a book that has me cursing at nameless entities and their vagaries. If you are looking for an outstanding paranormal romantic fantasy series then the Wild Hunt delivers.



O Factor: Spicy



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“You’re Calan’s sister?”
She slid her fingers to the column of his neck. “Half sister, yes. All the riders of the Hunt were fathered by Arawn.” She grinned, showing off straight white teeth. “Besides you, of course.”
He swallowed hard. The mention of the Lord of the Underworld put a whole new spin on Tegan’s heritage. “You’re a demigod.”
Not just any lesser god either. She’d been fathered by the black-skinned, winged creature he’d seen when he joined the Hunt. Arawn’s image had appeared inside his head, much like Tegan’s had over the years they’d visited each other. The sight of him hadn’t bothered Ian. Knowing his dream lover carried Arawn’s genes did.
“Yes, I—”
“You knew me before I joined the Hunt, didn’t you?” He had to be sure she’d participated in his dreams, that it wasn’t only his imagination.
Her nostrils flared. “I don’t—”
“Yes or no, Tegan. Have you invaded my dreams for the past three years?” Making me yearn for you?
She leaned over him. Inches from his face, she leveled a hard glare at him. “Yes. We shared the same dream, but don’t interrupt me. Ever. I don’t like it.”
He filed the information away and dropped his attention from her irritated eyes to her lips. He licked his. No matter what other form she could take or who her parents were, she was still the woman who’d made him question everything. He wanted to know why she’d connected with him. Beyond that, he wasn’t sure how he felt about knowing she was actually alive. He wavered between wanting to fuck her and punishing her for messing with his life.
“I know how you like to be touched. Loved.” He glanced into her eyes. The same look of smoldering desire she’d worn for him whenever he’d connected with her darkened them. More black than brown, they captivated him. They had from the first moment he’d peered into them. “Don’t I?”
“You don’t know anything about me, Ian.”
The animosity in her voice didn’t match the scent of her arousal or her quickened heartbeat. He didn’t understand where her anger was coming from.
“But I want to. I want to know every detail.” Then and only then would he decide what to do about her. “Kiss me.”
She bent closer but remained out of reach. Her breath heated his lips. Vanilla, the tempting and addicting scent he’d craved as much as the woman, invaded his lungs. He strained to close the slight distance. She remained out of reach.
He growled.
She pulled back with a grin plastered on her sultry mouth. “Is that my warning?”
Although still mainly human, the acceptance of the Huntsman’s mark had altered certain aspects of his body. He acted more animal than man at times. The low rumbling deep in his chest proved it.
“Yes.” He allowed another growl to trickle from his lips. “Kiss. Me. Now.”
She skimmed her parted lips across his cheek. The simple touch rocked him. He froze. At his ear, she caught his earlobe between her teeth and tugged, tearing a rough sound from him.
“We’re going to have to work on your obedience, Hunter Ian. You don’t order me around. That’s my job.”
Her sultry voice tightened his balls. Her words, though, pissed him the fuck off. “Between us, the only power you have over me is what I give you.”
She chuckled. “Is that so?”
She straightened and skimmed her heated gaze over him. His skin tingled under her focused perusal. With a single finger, she traced the length of his arm from shoulder to wrist.
She tapped the cuff locking him to the bed. “These turn the tables, don’t you think?”






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A true romantic at heart, Nancy Corrigan is convinced there’s a knight in shining armor for every woman (or man), but you won’t find damsels in distress in her stories. She adores pairing alpha heroes with women strong enough to match them and bring them to their knees. She also enjoys flipping the traditional roles in romances because her motto is—love and people should never be forced to conform to anyone’s norm.

She holds a degree in chemistry and has worked in research but now focuses on ensuring quality. She considers it the perfect outlet for her as she’s the first to admit she has some OCD tendencies. It carries over into her writing life too. While engrossed in a novel, she has a habit of forgetting to eat and sleep. Fortunately, she’s married to her own knight in shining armor who understands her oddities and loves her anyway. They reside in Pennsylvania with their three children, dog, snake and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars and all things spooky and sexy.




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