A Fun And Quirky Emotional Ride
Contemporary Romance
Released January 5, 2016
Self Published
Reviewed by Deb
Marcus “Snack” Snackenberg is a born ladykiller.
When Minnie Cooper moves back to her dad’s hometown as a child, with her two brothers and Star Wars action figures in tow, they become immediate friends.
By junior high, Minnie, although unaware, is in love with him.
Snack is completely in touch with his feelings for her.
Sometimes the villain in the story isn’t a person.
Sometimes it’s time.
And space.
And fear.
Fear of losing the best friend you’ve ever had.
An overnight romance…twenty-six years in the making.
From the very first page, Snack snapped its fingers in my face and commanded my attention. This cleverly written, witty, laugh-out-loud, sexy story literally had my emotions all over the map and then some. Minnie Cooper (the girl preceded the car by a few years) tells a captivating story that begins when she is six years old.
The Cooper clan arrives in Downers Grove amidst very sad circumstances. Minnie’s mom has walked away from her family, leaving the kids confused and Minnie’s dad devastated. He’s brought them to his hometown where they will all live with Mimi/grandma. They’re a ragamuffin bunch, and a bit shell-shocked. But as soon as they walk into a coffee shop named SNACKS, Minnie’s world turns around. It is here she meets Marcus “Snack” Snackenburg, the six-year-old son of one of her dad’s oldest friends. I was a goner for Snack from the start. His little boy-self stole my heart as soon as he opened his mouth. Snack immediately connects with Minnie, becomes her protector, and proclaims her “my girl” within an hour.
I’ve come to suspect that Snack claimed me from that moment on. Claimed me, owned me. Ruined me for anyone else. At six years old.
The chapters alternate between past and present which, in my opinion, is brilliant because it kept me on the edge of my seat as the layers of Minnie and Snack’s story are peeled away bit by bit. We know right off the bat, that Minnie and Snack haven’t seen each other for years. What we don’t know is why. What were the events that ended this more-than-friendship that began 26 years ago?
This is a beautiful story of the deep and unbreakable connection between two people who belong together. There is no logic involved when it comes to kismet. The connection between Minnie and Snack is just that…kismet. What begins as a childhood friendship grows into much more. It is, however, fraught with misunderstandings, insecurities, and missed opportunities throughout the years.
Minnie is delightful, fun, and genuine. She’s a quirky nerd who swears like a sailor. She grew up in a house full of boys, and never really had any girlfriends. Minnie is not a girly girl. She uses Star Wars and Harry Potter references to describe just about any situation, and she can play video games with the best of them. Only Minnie would have a miniature, seven-pound Yorkie version of Chewbacca, named Wookiee. Minnie idolized Snack from day one, and the feelings were mutual. These two were inseparable. As we read Minnie’s recollections of growing up with Snack, we understand just how strong their connection is. As Ms. Burton takes us through the ups and downs of Minnie and Snack’s history I felt every bit of happiness, hurt, rejection, and sadness that went with it.
Let’s talk about Snack. Were there things about Snack that pissed me off? Yes, indeed there were. Did I understand the reasons behind his behavior and decisions? Yes, I did. That being said, I still thought there were times he was a totally clueless jackass. An adorable, hunky, in-touch-with-his-feelings jackass who needed a good smack upside the head. But I loved him all the same. Even as a young boy his devotion to Minnie is so touching! Snack is quite selfless, always considering everyone’s feelings and well-being before his own. And this is how everything fell apart between Minnie and Snack.
Snack is a fast read that had me biting my nails in anticipation. It dragged me through every possible emotion, and the back and forth between past and present drove me crazy with anxiety at times! I loved every minute of this poignant story. Ms. Burton has written a charming and out of the norm love story that has me wanting a sequel.
O Factor: Spicy
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