The beast taunted me, stalked me like I was its prey. Its coal-like skin, straight from the mouth of hell, sizzled brightly with streaks of orange. The lava of its home. I never stood a chance in this war, I was one wolf against an army of demons; they kept me distracted long enough to ensure there was nothing I could do to jeopardise their hostile takeover. I soon learned that distraction was their greatest tactic, their only worthwhile weapon. But still, there were little acts of heroism I could partake in; chained and bound in a cage granted me little freedom. I was the hell beasts’ toy, to scratch, to bite, to chase when dull moments had them bored. Compared to my torment, I was sure death would be a gift as inviting as a freshly picked bouquet of flowers. I no longer wanted to endure such heinous, criminal, apocalyptic affairs. I wished for death, and the devil laughed in my face.
I’ve always lived a life based on my imagination, from hopeless dreams of romance to concocting alternate realities involving supernaturals. I’m completely fascinated with anything hero-related, and often speculate which superpower I’d possess. I haven’t settled on one yet.
I was born in England, and currently reside in Wales, UK. I love to write, and most days you’ll find me happily tapping away at the computer whilst in my pyjama-clad bubble. I also spend my time reading, and if that isn’t enough I’m often in the kitchen baking up a treat.

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