A sensual trip down the rabbit hole
After the love of her life walks out the door, Abby Simmons is depressed, run down, and overwhelmed. Working long days as an attorney in a busy firm is sucking the life out of her and Abby feels she is at the end of her rope. Then, a co-worker recommends a new type of spa called Paradise. He promises their therapies will shake off her lethargy and help her to regain her sparkle. Skeptical, but very curious, Abby decides to visit the establishment. At first, what she hears sounds too good to be true, but soon Abby uncovers a whole new world of pleasure that quickly becomes her undoing.
Step behind the door to embark on a journey where surrendering to desire is only the beginning. Welcome to Paradise.
Reviewed by Jean
A sensual trip down the rabbit hole
I got Behind the Door a little late because of a snafu I apparently made in signing up to review it. Go me! So, amongst other things I spent today reading it. It was not a hardship. In fact, I became rather frustrated having to put it down on occasion to get my other chores done. I was very intrigued by the premise of Paradise in Behind the Door… the spa recommended to Abby when life and heartbreak become a bit overwhelming.
No, it’s not like that,” James countered. “It’s a pleasure house. It is based on the old Japanese tradition of a geisha house, where men would go to be pampered by geishas. This is a more modern version that caters to men and women.” I filled my coffee mug, intrigued by his explanation. “More modern version? I don’t get it. Geisha’s were prostitutes right?” “No, geisha’s were never prostitutes. In the early eighteenth century geishas were considered highly accomplished courtesans who entertained their clients by dancing, singing, and playing music. Some were highly prized for their proficiency in the art of entertainment.”
By the time Abby hears from multiple sources that EVERYONE in her law firm has noticed how run down and out of sorts she is since her ex walked out on her, Abby is quick to decide she has to do something. A trip to check out Paradise can’t hurt. Perhaps it will provide her with a bit of stress relief and a distraction from her heartache. What starts out as a very sensual but completely clothed massage by “Mr. Hands, “ her mysterious session master, quickly become addictive. All of her sessions are done sightless, stirring all of her sexual energies. Things and people that had no appeal are suddenly sending her senses reeling. Each door leads to a new experience. Each trip back takes her just a bit further down the rabbit hole. It also has her self-esteem and libido on an upswing.
As I glanced about the room, a thought occurred to me. I now had an escape when the perils of work became all too consuming. This was a place where I could come and not be judged, and could be free to be myself. Here I was desired, beautiful … and worthwhile.
Balancing her addictive craving for Mr. Hands and her developing feelings for James, a paralegal at her firm may prove difficult. James is everything she could want in a man and offers everything she could crave in a relationship, but she hasn’t exactly been batting a thousand when it comes to the men in her life. How to choose between the two? James is real… hmmm. Well, so is Mr. Hands… well, sort of.
James has had feelings for Abby for years but until recently she was off the market. Now he’ll move heaven and earth to win her love. But, can he keep her?
Behind the Door is a seductive ride that will keep you enthralled from beginning to end. Take a trip behind the door and down the rabbit hole with Abby. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Ms. Clarke and Ms. Weis did an excellent job crafting this erotic journey to HEA.
O Factor: Scorcher
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M. Clarke
International Bestselling Author Mary Ting/M. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children’s chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.
Alexandrea Weis
Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.

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